Monday, February 6, 2012

Super fun Sunday

We had a great full weekend of fun and family. My sister Martha and Tony were in town before heading over to a meeting in the Bahamas next week. Saturday night we got together with Paul, Mark, David, Bridget, Martha, Tony for a dinner of fresh fish. (John and his group got 13 mahi mahi, Ron and Ben got a bunch of tuna and mahi mahi Thursday...all in all they spent 5! hours cleaning fish on Friday) we had a great dinner and then later that night John went to pick up his cousin Joe and Marilyn who were coming in from Scranton, PA.
Martha, Tony and Marilyn posed for a picture at the place Martha and Tony were staying at down by the boardwalk. After the last cookie incident...haha (that we are still laughing about) I made a big platter of cookies. They were all gone before the end of the night. Bridget took one, took a bite and said "Now that's a cookie!"
In the morning Martha and I took a walk and we passed several people we knew...all of whom said..."Are you going to the party? See you there!" So we were looking forward to a fun time.
Not a matter of fact mostly everyone...really didn't care WHO won...because around here there are lots of Dolphin John and Bridget. (There were others in Dolphin gear too.)

Al was making adjustments before the game

when Madonna was performing at half time...some of the crowd got in on the dancing. Al called to the girls working inside to come out...they had fun
then Al grabbed a friend and joined in

Martha,Pat, Gayle and Marilyn and
plus Anne
we were having fun. The girl between me and Pat was cheering and ringing a cow bell...Al asked her who she was rooting for...her answer "I don't know. Who does Tom Brady play for?"
this is a bad picture really...but Martha's expression sums up the night which ended up with a great exciting finish. David and Bridget were dancing to a Bobby Darin song in his van while Destin rolled her eyes and assured me she was driving them home HAHAH When Tony started dancing with them Martha and I got a little nervous...we figured they all end up in a heap on the pavement...haha...but they did not.

We ate till we were full...everyone made something...fresh fish, crab, tuna, ribs, chicken, pork, veggies and dip, 7 layer dip and chips...etc. We saw lots of people...Martha enjoyed seeing old friends...Marilyn and Joe met all of our crazy friends...and we all had a great time!

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