Monday, December 26, 2011

the rest of the story...

Due to technical difficulties (so what else is new!) these photos were supposed to be part of the previous blog...but I decided just to add them on with this one. One of the turtle ornaments on the lobby tree.
We posed with Goofy before dinner...when were finished we had another opportunity to take pictures.....Here we are posing with Donald Duck (not to be confused with Daffy of the girls said "Is this Daffy?" Poor Donald shook his head telling what he/she? was thinking...hahaha If it's any consolation to as I was letting Haze out into the back yard I looked over at Brenna and said "I guess I have to take Brenna (meaning Kiena of course)... for a walk now." We both just started laughing.
the dogs were tired after a busy Christmas morning

Here's the best gift of the day...Brenna got this from Aunt Martha. Tony had her name and she had opened his nice gift earlier... We were un wrapping things up and Megan handed this package to Brenna. As she opened it the look on her face kind of said "What the h$%#? (wondering if they were trying to tell her something...haha) Then came the note...explaining that someone had donated some "gifts" to the hospital for the kids...(most of which went straight to the trash)...but when Martha spotted this brand new Dating Game still in the wrapper...she told her staff..."I'm taking this!". She said they laughed...couldn't believe anyone would actually think any of the kids would want THAT! I can only imagine what the the other donations were!
Check out the hair and fashions! This could be one of those gifts that turns up from time to time as a's just too good to retire!

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