Saturday, December 31, 2011

Celebrations I am on New Year's Eve working on the blog. exciting! haha John went fishing, and both girls are back it's just me and the dog. I did get invited to a party or two...but didn't feel like going alone.
I bought a cupcake and I have some I will celebrate while I keep Kiena calm. she can't hear as well as she used to ...which is good on nights like this...because maybe she won't hear all the firecrackers! I think she's going to hear the big ones going off...but I'll turn up the TV. haha Meanwhile earlier this week I enjoyed a party or two with good friends and family. When we moved to Florida in 1967 Karen is convinced it was 68...but I'm right this time.. we found a house on Oak Ridge Dr that was under construction.My parents decided to buy it. It was in a great area and it was also across the street from the the house where a man who worked with my dad lived. Actually they were across and up two...right across the street was a family that also had an 11 yr old. Lisa had a sister Rene who was a couple of years younger than us. I think every house on our street had several children...we counted one time and it was something like 52 kids on our block (cul-de-sac). We had a blast.>
Karen lived up the street...she was also 11 in 1967.
well, Mrs. P across the street will be 80 on January 9th. Unfortunately she is fighting cancer right now and the prognosis is not good. Her daughters and daughter- in- law planned a big 80th birthday celebration for her.
Mrs. P was involved in many activities over the years...the temple, the Jewish school, she taught at Satellite High and M.C.C., she is in a book club, takes art classes. played tennis,etc and many of these friends were at the celebration. Neighbors were there...some of whom have been living on Oak Ridge since the 60's...some came later
(Karen's mother also turned 80 this year)
There was music and a woman who sang...and of course some dancing. Family members and a few friends shared special memories and it was a lovely celebration. (I am glad I got off work...that is another story!)Friday night...Brenna was packing up to head home to AL...but we took time out for dinner at Meg O'Malley's. Turns out David, Bridget and Destin were downtown and they decided to meet us.We had a great time visiting with them. Bridget and Brenna both commented on what great taste Tony and Ian aka Marthahave...they were both wearing their gifts.David left early...but the four of us stayed and had some laughs...enjoyed the band in the background...and had a nice night.
We stopped to pose with "Santa" on the way out!
It was a nice end to the week.

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