Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yard Work

As you know if you read my post from last week...we had a rat living in our roof. A BIG rat....we never found any babies or other "family" that was good...but once the "Eraticator" did his job...we needed to trim up the yard.
John talked to all the neighbors and lined up a tree trimmer to thin things out.
There were lots of dead palm fronds we couldn't reach. wires, it wasn't a job I was interested in doing myself...and the price of these guys coming in and clearing things out was worth every cent!
I don't think they realized the scope of the project until they got going...they filled up their truck at least 3 times! John felt a little bad...he jumped right in when he got home Thursday...hauling palm fronds, branches, etc to the front so they could be loaded into the truck and hauled to the dump.
Normally I am not a fan of drastically trimming the trees...but I didn't want any more rats moving it had to be done.
I even did my share of piling, raking and pulling weeds that I could now reach. (when I weed...I like to have "an escape route" haha)...when the trees were very thick...I didn't have as much room to make a quick exit if a snake or some other creature came out
The tree trimmers stopped a little short of the finish on Thursday...but returned Friday to finish up. I woke up with a pulled hamstring or something...the back of my right leg had a serious cramp. But here's the result of the job.
All the crap is gone (including the real crap...did you notice my dog taking a poop in the picture hahaha)...there's lots more light coming in...and plenty of bugs, insects, spiders looking for a new sign of any rats...and the squirrels are getting some good jumps in.... my cramp is gone...and everyone (especially John) happy!

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