Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend activites

The weather here has been great these last few days and it's starting to feel a little like fall. It's been clear and sunny with a bit of a breeze. Still a little warm...but that's okay. Friday night John decided we needed to take the boat for a spin on the river. We called some friends and made a plan to head up to Grills for dinner. We left from the Eau Gallie Causeway boat launch and headed north around 5:45pm.
We pulled in to the dock area at Grills.
On Friday/Saturday nights...Grills attracts quite a we were happy to walk up and find a table almost immediately. It just so happened a couple was leaving right when we walked up...perfect timing! I must add our waitress was not the the best we've ever personality...but then again maybe she was having a bad day/night. Charlie and Gayle's son had just driven in to town for the weekend; and when he heard about our plans...he drove straight up to the restaurant to meet us.
We enjoyed dinner and a few beers glasses of wine and then headed towards home. We decided to stop at Squid Lips on the way home...for "just one drink" . The place was packed! There was a band playing...and they sounded pretty good. They were playing lots of songs from the 70's...and the crowd was loving it. I have to admit...looking around at this really big crowd of people...kind of made me feel old. They were all my age or older...or at least it seemed that way...and everyone was having a good time, dancing having fun, etc...but it just felt a little strange. All I could think was it was a good thing Brenna and Megan weren't with us...they would've been ready to get out of there! haha I felt bad for feeling that way...after I said they were all around my age...but I can't explain was just weird! (John thinks I'm crazy when I say things like that...his response..."just have fun!"
Saturday was the 3rd annual Long Doggers 5K Walk Run. The first year everyone talked about participating...but in the end it was just me. Last year John joined me. This year John and I were in it, so were Charlie, Gayle & Dillon M and Pat Tanner. At the after party last year I may or may not have a a few glasses of wine...haha and started talking!(Vinny and I had a whole conversation about being Catholic...there was a lot of eye rolling from the rest of the table...haha...most of whom were also Catholic...they were just making fun of the two of us...half drunk having a "serious" conversation haha It was fun. I was a little better behaved this year...though I still did plenty of talking. Lots of good friends were there, they had a great band playing, food, beer, games for the kids. Kind of like a big block party. The girls worked hard...but it was a good night. (and the Gators won...always a plus!)
Dillon was the winner...don't know why he doesn't look that happy...I guess the crowd was getting to him. Our neighbor, Angela came in 2nd...she had a plan to pass Dillon in the end...but she didn't count on his last minute sprint to the finish! Walking on the sand was difficult...2/3 of the way the sand was pretty flat, easy to walk on...but there were a few deep spots and it can be hard to walk on. My whole body was hurting last night...and I walk or ride the bike every day! John and I finished in about 45 minutes...15 minute miles...not bad. John could have been faster...he hung with me...also jogged up to the Gayden's gazebo (friends watching the Gator game were having a party) for a beer....and stopped off to see Peyton T. and her friends from FIT who were having a big party at the beach. He ran up and hugged and kissed her...all her friends were saying"Who was that!!!????" haha
Money raised from the event will go to Indialantic Elementary PTO and Hoover Jr that's goo too.

The next race coming up is the "Witch Way 5K" with a similar party afterwards at Long will be fun!
We rode our bikes to the race...rode home to rinse off and then rode back for the I definitely got my exercise for the day! Today...I'm taking it easy!

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