Sunday, September 4, 2011

Random....Hot topics

Summer time in Florida is HOT! That's no surprise to anyone who lives her...but sometimes I wonder why people feel the need to jog, bike or whatever to the library.,,,haha I mean it's in the 90's....why would anyone think it was a good idea to jog down?? Then rather than just run in and out...hang around for a while. I know people are just trying to get exercise and that's a good thing...but sometimes.....
We happen to have a few patrons who always seem to come in looking very drippy/droopy.....sweaty! One dad who, I can only assume routinely jogs down with his two little kids, always comes in with his shirt soaked around the armpits...then hangs out while they play over in the children's area. He always looks a wreck...he doesn't smell too bad...but I certainly don't want to spend too much time near him...haha
But our latest guy is one I'll just call "Biker Boy". I see him all the time on the bike path...either coming or going...I (assume) he puts in a lot of miles on that bike. I've never seen him in anything but his biker (as in bicycle) get up. He's in good shape for his age...but seriously...when he's strolling strutting around the library after biking around all morning...does he have any idea how bad he smells!??? If anyone is impressed by his "physique" soon as they get down wind...they might change their mind...haha. One day last week when he was in...a young woman came up to the desk to check out and kind of whispered to me..."I don't know if I should say anything...but there's a really bad odor over near the computers.It kind of smells like cat urine." I glanced over and among the group was none other than "Biker Boy". Lovely......... I tried not to laugh and said I thought it might be one of the patrons. She didn't know what to say...haha. The next time he came in I had to hide(really!) because I was afraid I was going to burst out laughing. At one point he came up to the desk to ask if anyone had by chance turned in his bandanna (that he wears on his head). All I could think was I would never in a million years pick up that thing...haha With as straight a face as I could manage...I told him no one had turned it in. He stopped by once again later and told us that apparently someone else needed it more than he cause it had disappeared.
Now I don't mean to sound like I'm a snob or something...but come on people! Take a shower is you're going to come hang out at the library!!! It's too bad...because the guy is always pleasant...and polite...he just smells like he's been riding his bike all over town...which he has!
I can put up with our "Eddie Haskell" kid..."Hello Mrs. Anne. How are you today?"'s the tone...something about the tone.....he's Eddie! And we used to have a guy that looked exactly like Larry's other brother "Darryl" from the Newhart show...and I know it's just me...when I start working more than usual...the oddballs start getting to me....I have to find a way to laugh so I don't go crazzzzzzzy. haha
The good news is...I have the next couple of days next week I'll be ready to deal with all of them again! hahaha (and they'll be ready to have to deal with me!)

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