Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend party

We didn't really have any big plans for this past weekend...but we did get invited to a little birthday get together Saturday. Our friend Tom celebrated his birthday his wife along with a friend of theirs... Michelle...and her daughter who also had birthdays last week got together and decided to throw a little party.
Michelle and her family rented an efficiency room at this little motel down the road from our neighborhood (where all of the above conveniently live :) ) (In the background you can see the closed Blue Seas motel (a wreck) and the palce I still call the Quality Suites...because even though it changed hands several years ago...I can never remember what it's for anyone who has lived around's still the old Quality Suites...:). Most of us walked down about 5 blocks... It was a perfect spot right on the ocean. The moved all the furniture to one side, set up some tables for all the food and Voila! was party time. It was a perfect set-up.
Hurricane Irene was safely past..leaving behind some perfect 4-6 foot waves...and an afternoon storm cooled things off a bit.
The girls hired a band (including an old friend of ours...Mark Baker) and they played some nice music...nothing too wild..but perfect for the afternoon and the crowd...haha (40 & up...) Mark used to play at some local hotels and clubs...we have danced to his band's music many was fun to hear them again.
Michelle and her husband Tim's kids loved hanging out down at the beach... and we all enjoyed hanging out behind the motel on a beautiful afternoon/evening. John and I didn't stay too long...but we heard that the police stopped by (cranky motel guests??? or neighboring condo people??? must've called). The police actually said something to the effect of "Hey this is a great set-up"...and told them to keep the noise level down. (it really wasn't that loud...the band wasn't blasting out the sound or anything...there was even a Dean Martin song or two playing when the band was taking a break) I guess the police came back around 10:00-10:30pm and told them they'd have to shut it down...Tom told us one guy commented "Hey not bad...we're getting shut down by the police at an over 50 party!.."haha "Looks like we've still got it!" haha
If the motel wasn't so old I might consider doing the same thing...but I doubt the owners want to be kown as the local party place....
Maybe....we could rent out the whole complex...haha
And then...on an unrelated's the sunset from tonight. Late August evening after the nice to pass up!

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