Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Visit with Brenna

Brenna was in Orlando for a conference this past week. We had a plan to drive over Thursday afternoon (after work) and meet her at the Hilton where the conference was being held.She finished up for the day about an hour or so after we arrived...and then we all went out for dinner.
Originally she planned to take us you read that right...she took us out to dinner! at one of her favorite places in Orlando, Christini's (?)..but as it turned out a group at the conference took the group from Huntsville out to dinner on Tuesday...and they went that meant we were going to my FAVORITE place... I was very excited!
It was a beautiful evening and the Boardwalk at Disney is always fun. We took a few pictures and then had a wonderful usual. John had a steak, Brenna- seared snapper and I had some delicious yellow fin tuna and Asian noodles. YUM
After dinner we strolled around the "lake" and then stopped in for dessert at the candy store.

A wall of Jelly Belly jelly beans...
I had to pose by the scepter , crown and velvet Miss America robe. They also have photos of all the Miss America winners through the years. It's always fun to look at those.
we had our treats and headed back to the hotel.
Friday morning Brenna finished up and then we headed down to the fun pool with it's lazy river. From our room you could see Sea World Aquatica and Wet and Wild in the distance....but who needs the lazy river at Wet and Wild...when we had our own at the hotel. haha
We floated around a few times...very relaxing...I could've done that all morning long.
we had to try the! I don't like when you're in the dark tube...going kind of freaks me out...but luckily it wasn't too long of a slide and you were only briefly hurtled through the enclosed part...haha Once was enough when the picture John took of me was me with my head cut out of the photo...I declined his offer to try again.
We had a good time...and it was kind of nice to be treated to dinner (and the room)by Brenna.

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