Monday, May 9, 2011

Still working out the kinks we've had the new computer for over a week now...and I am slowly
figuring out how to do things. It's certainly faster...but still frustrating...just in different ways! I got my ITunes straightened out....(1st priority...haha)and I am still working on the %$#@ photos. I am learning all the tricks of Windows Live Photo Gallery. I even checked out a book...but unfortunately for me...those how to books might as well be in another language...they never make complete sense to me...I need someone to show me how to do something...then when I read it it makes sense. I am trying to think who I can get to show me.......... I love all the things I can do with the new program...some photo shop stuff we didn't have before...and you can get a nice slide show if I could just figure out how to get my pictures from point A to point B...I'll be in business. At this point I don't know if it's me or the camera that has the problem....because I have most of my photos on the computer...but can't seem to import the latest ones. I follow the instructions...and then I can see them....(so I know there on here somewhere...:( .......but I click on View 2 items...and nothing I am driving my self crazy still working on it...trying not to b&*^% too much...and one of these days....VOILA! there will be photos on my blog!

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