Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Looking for pictures

After the tornadoes last week in Alabama...Brenna left town for a few days and headed up to TN to see Uncle Ken, Aunt Sandy, Chase , Liz & Solon & Allie.They had no power in she didn't have to go in to work...and she had no power at she decided to head out of town. Luckily other than power outages...Huntsville was fine. But many people lost everything! I went through my closets today and packed up a box of new/and hardly used clothes, which I am sending up to Brenna. I figure she can find a church or club up there collecting clothing and put the items to good use. I had some things I bought , but for whatever reason didn't really wear/ why keep them hanging around. As my friend Jamie put it recently...they are "things that need a more appreciative home". I hope they find one. In the mean can find out more about other opportunities for helping the survivors of the going to

Now back on the home front....
We finally got a new computer...which is wonderful...except now I have to figure out how to do things on it with Windows 7. I miss my old picture/scanner thing...because it was so easy...I keep trying to download photos...but so luck.
We went to a fun party last Saturday- Chuck & Pat's annual crayfish boil.Later that same night we had a surf movie at the Library. A local guy made the film and we arranged to have him show it on a Saturday night...we aren't normally open then...but the boss and I went in and made it happen. We had 50-52 it was a good turnout. Had to leave the party early...but my boss canceled her plans for that evening I can't complain.It was my idea to have the program...boss went along with it and the crowd seem very appreciative. All in all it was a good night. I have photos from both events...but haven't managed to get them from the camera onto the computer and onto the blog yet. I keep trying! ( I need my own Tech support group!) I am also getting my I Tunes back in order... (I can't do without THAT!) I am making more progress with the I Tunes I am happy to report. When I finally figure it all out...I will spruce up the blog with photos once again!

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