Monday, April 18, 2011

Favorite commercial

For some reason or another we were recently talking about commercials. I mentioned one where the guy at a pizza place (turns out it was a Little Ceasar's ad) makes the pizza box into an origami animal. No one else ever seems to remember this commercial not unusual for me...haha..but a co-worker suggested finding it on You-tube. Being of a certain age...I had never thought about that....because I don't regularly look on You-tube for anything....but I figured it was worth a look.
Saturday night we were eating sushi with some friends and we started talking about it. Heather volunteered to look it up right then and there (she and I kind of think alike) and we FOUND it! Ahhhh I love it! So watch and laugh at the commercial...or me...if you find my sense of humor a little warped.

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