Monday, April 25, 2011

Art Show weekend

Let me start by saying we got a new computer today...which is great...except now I have to figure out how to do everything all over again! Agggh even when things are better...they are a challenge. But...I will not complain because I have a computer that now goes right to the site you want it to go to and it's FAST and it's capable of handling newer versions of the software I want, etc etc.
So now that I have successfully retrieved my two images...I will tell you about the annual Art Show.
JOhn had some dental work done at the end of the his mouth was hurting and he was not doing much. I went to the art show alone and made the rounds. The past few years we have been part of the "Patron" program; where you pay (paid) $325.00 and for that you got $225.00 in vouchers for art purchases, free reserved parking (my favorite perk...besides the art) a covered sitting area near the main stage with complimentary beer, wine and water. JOhn would usually be off it was a trade-off...his $ for art.
Having a place to relax was nice...and plenty of good water was great...but I don't drink beer and I didn't have anyone to join me and have a glass of when they increased the fee by $100.00 dollars...I decided that I would just get $225.00 from John and forgo the other benefits. (They also have a party on Thursday before the show...local restaurants provide food and beverages, they have a band...every is there to see and be seen I couldn't care less! and they also have a viewing of the prize winning art on display for patrons before the show opens on sunday. That includes mimosas ( I do like those)and a continental breakfast. I only ever went to that again...when the price went up $100.00...I decided not to participate. I did buy one little piece of artwork...but it was only $ I was happy.
John DID join me for the Saturday night program which included the band "Asleep at the Wheel" and another local band that is a regular at the Lone Cabbage Fish Camp...which would explain why I was not familiar with them...haha They were we might have to venture up to LCFC sometime for some frog legs, alligator nuggets and music from the band! As's like old home week when you go to the art show...anyone in town is's kind of like a big drunken reunion. There is beer and wine for by 7-8pm the crowd is usually interesting. We did run into a lot of old friends and had a great time...seeing some folks we haven't seen in several years. I had several compliments."You look look exactly the same!"...and that was great to hear...but since half of the people who were telling me that were also trying very hard to focus and walk in a straight line...I'm going to take it with a grain of salt...haha. I had one or two glasses of wine myself...but stumbling around drunk in a big crowd doesn't really appeal to I kept it under control! haha In spite of was nice to see all the people and enjoy a lovely evening and good music. And even though I'm sure given a choice John would've taken fishing....over the art show...he had a good time too.

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