Sunday, February 13, 2011

Public Library Lovers Month-Visitors

We are celebrating Public Library Lovers Month aka how can we get people to give us more money Our Friends of the Library group has always been very generous and they work hard to raise money and fund programs and buy materials for our library. We are VERY lucky. To celebrate the month of February...we have several programs going on.
Last weekend we celebrated Chinese New Year and this week we had not just one, but two programs. Tuesday night we had a Theatre Ensemble put on a program. Yesterday we had Olivia and Max in for a visit. Here's the costume just waiting to "come to life"
We had two great teen volunteers that agreed to put these big heads and the rest of the costume on and greet the fans.
The girls (mostly) and boys were so excited to see them...we had a mob of people. Lots of Moms, Dads, grandparents and excited kids. Unlike the Disney characters...ours talked to the kids...which thrilled them. A few got scared,,, I always feel bad for the parents when their kids want nothing to do with the characters...Mom is so excited...meanwhile kid is hiding behind her crying. They keep trying and trying to get a photo...but end up giving up. (I know Megan was not particularly fond of Santas or Easter I know that feeling when you realize you are just not going to get that picture!) (but really...who wants to traumatize their kid for a picture!). But I never let it bother me too much....It's hard for the young mothers who want their kids to be happy and fun loving just like everyone else's kids...and sometimes...they just aren't. Some kids don't want to be in the group at Storytime...or dance around when we do the songs...etc. Moms with more than one child...or grandparents who have been through it...just kind of go with the flow..... But...yesterday most of the kids were excited to get up close to Max and Olivia and smile!
Susan and I were very busy at the front desk...we never stopped for 4 hours...lots of books coming in...going out and several Library cards being issued...along with a little more noise than usual! hahah It was a busy but satisfying day.
When I got home and took Kiena for a walk...there were some really interesting clouds. I had to walk fast to get around the block before they were gone> There was a blanket of clouds and then this break...with a feathery looking part...actually there were almost looked like bunny ears...but by the time I took the picture one half was blowing away. We went to Reid and Amy's for dinner and saw a nice sunset on the way. Kind of cool.

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