Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Animal Kingdom & Magic Kingdom

The day after the concert Megan and I decided to do a little "park hopping" over to Animal Kingdom and the Magic Kingdom. John couldn't care less if he ever goes to Disney again...but me.....that's another story. I love it...really ...I love going. It's nice to live here and not feel like I have to see/do everything in one day because a. you can't and b. it's no fun when you have to rush around and kids get kind of cranky! Soooooo I can always count on Megan to accompany me (or me, her) when she comes to town. And February is a wonderful time of year to go because it's not as crowded and it's not too hot!
If you go to Animal Kingdom in the summer....the animals (like us humans) are too hot to do much "entertaining". They just want to find some shade and sleep. But in this cooler weather and first thing in the morning (or in our case 10:30am) all the animals seemed to be out and about. Did I mention it was also feeding they were out and eating.
Still laugh when I remember a friend of my parents talking about their first trip to Busch Gardens (I think) and it was mating they saw it all..all kinds of animals...haha while the kids were wondering what the heck the animals were doing! hahahaha
Our "safari" ride was fun. We had to snap pictures along the way. There were lots of hippos keeping cool in the water.
More elephants than I remember from the last trip there. A few babies...and "teenagers" haha
Flamingos...Megan's favorite.
After our safari (no waiting to get on!) we were off to Asia...looking for Mt Everest. I really love the way the park is "decorated" especially Asia. all the vintage looking signs...the I said...being an "Imagineer" would be a fun for whatever you need...I could go to town.
We had what Megan says is the best deal in the park for lunch...Chicken Fried Rice and Honey Chicken in Asia.

Then we were off to Dinoland. Rode the dinosaur ride and took a few photos. The little "roller coaster" is being we didn't get to do that...and it was raining so we passed on the "flying dino" ride. We caught the "Finding Nemo" show. If you should see it. Wonderful the ones in the musical Lion King

Our favorite spot for hot or iced tea. We ALWAYS stop here!

And after was off to the Magic Kingdom. Looks crowded...but it really wasn't. (There were some characters posing for pictures nearby.)
Cinderella's castle...of course
Megan and I stopped to pose by the statue of Walt Disney and Minnie Mouse.
First stop...Tomorrowlad! We went to Buzz Lightyear's ride...always real wait for us... when there is a line.....the line usually moves pretty quickly.) At one point the ride stopped...but we did NOT stop shooting our laser we racked up some points! Megan beat me.
Next Megan went on Space Mountain while I powerwalked over to get some fast passes for Peter Pan's Flight...because that ride ALWAYS has a line...but we love it! Megan got her brain rattled around on we took a little break on our all time favorite People Mover....when the kids are cranky...when your feet hurt...when your tired,hot________...the People Mover will do the trick. We rode around twice...haha

is the song in your head yet??
We made our way over to Frontierland (by train)...saw the pirates, the flying carpets...then the Haunted Mansion...before we worked our way back to the carousel. Last stop the Cinderella fountain and one last wish in Cinderella's wishing well. We thought about staying longer...but it was Super Bowl Sunday...and my Steelers were playing...AND my brother-in-law was in town on we joined up with Tony, Andy & Cathy, Allen, Herman & John for the big game. (and some good ribs)

Megan flew home Monday morning...I went to work that afternoon and........... it's already Thursday! Time flies. Meanwhile...Megan and I still have two days left on our tickets....just waiting for the next opportunity to arise!

1 comment:

  1. flamingos are my favorite, but pelicans are a close second
