Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekend birthday celebration

Charlie and Gayle M.
Gayle is in a Dance/Exercise class with Mary (the birthday girl)

John & I (celebrating our birthdays early)
after an hour or so of music, food and drinks...the DJ & the birthday girl wanted people to start dancing!
So we did! Fun music...mostly 80's...but some new stuff too(Michael Jackson,Talking Heads,Pitbull, Lady Gaga...INXS...stuff like that)...remember... about half the women (and 1 or two guys) that were there are in a dance/exercise class together...they know how to have fun and they KNOW how to Dance! When one of "their" songs came on they'd all jump up and start doing their routine....I just kind of edged over to the side...1,2,3 1,2,3..haha
as for me...I had a glass or two of champagne... enough to make me NOT John put it haha and once I got started dancing...I didn't stop.
I danced with John, Charlie and some other friends...and I danced to songs I normally wouldn't even probably listen to...but once I get going...who cares...I'll dance to pretty much anything. If a really cheesy song came was time to head to the bathroom! hah

a few of the partners tried in vain I might add to actually "dance"...but I am not good at following someone Else's lead...I just want to move .(Brenna and Megan can tell you about my 3 step matter what song it can always follow along with "Anne Kaminski's School of Dance-3 steps!") All that spinning was making me dizzy anyway...haha

Mary grew up in Indialantic a few streets over from my street. I babysat for the kids that lived across the street from her,,,we also went to the same church growing up. So...consequently many of the people at the party were friends of ours, friends of our siblings, etc...including one (younger than me) girl who as the conversation went on...I discovered that I had babysat for once or twice.
The birthday girl (in black) dancing with her husband...having fun!
The party was in the building overlooking the tennis courts at a local there was a nice porch that wrapped around the whole room. Some people stayed out there the whole time...closer to the bar??? and enjoyed the cool fresh air outside.

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