Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Birthday/Holiday/Graduation Celebration

Wednesday night we had a celebration.Our birthdays, Megan finishing at GMU with her Master's Degree, my sister Elizabeth, nephew Ryan and their friend Jon B, were visiting, and of course the holidays.
Almost everyone we invited came and we had a great time. I had to work that day...for 6 hours...then came home and put the finishing touches on whatever projects weren't quite done. Brenna, Megan and Elizabeth had gotten a lot done while I worked (did you notice the cheese ball shaped into pine cones by Brenna...pretty impressive!)...they set up the tables and made a few things. I had also done some things the night we were ready when folks started arriving at 7pm.
With the almost full moon and the beautiful weather...we lucked out! It was cool enough to build a little fire in our fire "pit"...but not too cold to enjoy sitting out on the porch.
Megan ,Amanda & Allison...classmates sine 2nd grade. Allison is studying to be a pharmacist, Amanda a nurse...and Megan is working at MITRE.
G & B
Charlie & Ben checking out the food
B & D
Four of them were posing for the picture when Mike & Ben snuck up behind them
M, M & John
and G
my brother Paul & Charlie

We danced, we talked we had some punch and beer and who knows what!!!!(the recycle man was busy the next day...we had four containers of bottles, cans, etc) But we all had fun. The party was shceduled so Liz, Ryan, Jon, Megan and Brenna would all be here. Fortunately none of the travel plans were weather everything went according to plan. My brothers all came, lots of friends we don't get to see all the time made it...and everyone really seemed to have a good time. Lots of laughs! We missed the few who couldn't make it...but I'm already working on plans for the next party...hahaha

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