Monday, August 2, 2010

We're Back!

Relaxing on the porch/deck (not the best photo...but hope you get the idea)
John and his sister Sandy

John and Bill during the tournament. Kathie and I were getting ready to go in to the Ladies Luncheon and we spotted these two finishing up on # 18 (?). They didn't play well on the first day, Friday, but came back Saturday and ended up being recognised for the best "Comeback Round" on Saturday.
views around the house

Just got back in town after a nice 5 day break. Today I am catching up, cleaning up, etc. Most of the clothes have been washed...whats left goes to the Dry Cleaners which seems to keep getting more and more expensive! We had a great visit with John's brother Bill and his wife, Kathie and also his sister Sandy and her husband, Ken. Bill had invited John to join him in a Member Guest Golf Tournament at the place in the mountains....and of course the answer was YES!
So we left last Wednesday morning and spent the next 5 days up in the mountains. It wasn't as cool there as it normally is...the heat wave has hit there just as it has everywhere else along the eastern coast...but it was 20 degrees cooler than Indialantic! And as it was in Virginia last month...really, really GREEN! Beautiful!
We had a nice time...I will space out the pictures in a series of posts...rather than try to include them all here. we are already trying to think of another time we can all get, there...or anywhere. We don't do it often enough ...and we all enjoyed catching up and "bonding" (as Ken said...haha).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful home!!!! Really nice--I love the pictures. I'm glad you had a good time!!!
