Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More from North Carolina

Okay...Let me just start this post by saying...between my computer that doesn't always do what I want it my new my knowledge or rather lack of of how to do things on the computer...this is in no particular order...because in order to do that...I would be here ALL night! But I did want to share the photos and a few comments in case you're interested. This first picture is the hill I walked up each day that I walked that is Here in's FLAT...if it wasn't I would be swimming everyday...because as I have mentioned in the past...once around the block and I'm melting NC, it was cooler but the hills were steep. The first day I was breathing so hard by the time I got to the top of the hill...I was hoping no one would drive by (they didn't) and see me, because they might have been concerned.hahaha However...I caught my breath and I persevered and I was just fine. I made it through my 45 minutes (or more) walk.
and here's a few things I saw along the way...Ahhhhh (worth the heavy breathing)
I just can't pass by a glimpse at a early changer, a dandelion and a pine cone...
and another hint at what's to come in October!
some Queen Anne's lace...I always secretly liked the fact that they were Anne with an e like me....

the view down the hill by the the end/beginning(?) of First Tee Trail
another favorite...clover...and bees!

the view

Friday, Kathie and I attended the Member/Guest Luncheon (while the practice round was going on) and then we went on a tour of some homes. They houses were pretty incredible. All 3 were on the water...each had it's own character. we enjoyed checking them out... I also enjoyed checking out the other women on the tour and listening to their comments about their neighbor's homes....haha This butterfly was on the porch of one of the houses
one porch on one of the houses...most had several different porches/deck ares...One had an entire floor with several sets of bunk beds, plenty of room for lots of kids and then the porch with ping pong table, Foosball, darts, name it...I think they had it. A kid/teen paradise! I wanted to be in that family!

Each house had a view down the ridge to the lake below....need I say more! You could see boats pulling tubes and hear was really a paradise.

different views from different decks....

The whole area is just beautiful...on the one side you have the trees, the hills etc on the other the's hard to decide which is nicer....except those with the lake...didn't have much of a yard... All of the houses were amazing...John's brother's included....a real treat. More tomorrow.........

1 comment:

  1. Did you group the leaf, the pine cone and the dandelion together for that picture?! hahah Just kidding, it looks like your kind of place
