Sunday, July 4, 2010


John was supposed to go out fishing Saturday...but the weather did not he ended up home with nothing to we decided to work on finishing up the kitchen. It still needs to be week one day I'm told but he patched up the areas where the plaster got damaged and he painted. I was a little nervous at first...the paint seemed a little yellowish...but it looks nice now that it's dry. Adds a nice contrast to the cabinets...but doesn't clash with the surrounding areas. First thing I had John hang was my piece of art from David (I bought two years ago...never knew where I was going to put it...)
'MAMA'S IN THE KITCHEN'- I love always makes me smile...the burner, the beater,the old ads in the's just funny....
like the one of the girl in a cute little apron that says "Wow, what a swell dish!" and the Coyote on a rocket that says "BOOM!"
and then on the wall opposite the letters...are my Bird Counting Cards.....people will probably wonder if they have wandered into a kid's room...haha...but I like I went with them....

If I had a great big kitchen I would have used all ten...but decided not to overdo it...and went with 1 thru 4.
Next week John and Mark M. will grout and it will be complete. I like it...and will get to show it show it off to my friends when the ladies come for the monthly meeting of the Southern Living Dinner group. The ladies in the group were here once or twice before...but the last time was several years ago...the house has come a long way since they first came will be fun to see what they think.

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