Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Every year on the 4th of July....LongDoggers closes all their restaurants and has a big party for their employees and families and friends. They spare no expense...food, beer, soda, water...
This year they got barbecue pork and chicken and all the sides from a local place "JC'S Bar-B-Cue". They had popcorn, sno-cones, ice cream and cake for dessert. (my favorite cake-from the Publix bakery!)
They had contests for the employees to compete in...Hula-Hoop, Dodgeball, Corn Hole Toss... then Face painting and lots of prizes for the kids...Necklaces, bubbles, sunglasses, buckets, lots of other goodies...and the kids LOVED it!
It was a little overcast so it wasn't AS hot as usual...but pretty muggy and humid! The beach was nice...there was even a small swell! They had a bouncy island thing out in the water...but I'm told it was hard work getting out to it...through the surf...as one friend said."It wasn't worth the work to get out there!" It did look fun though!

After we left that party we took a break a shower! and then headed over to my brother Mark's house for clams, shrimp, and tuna. He had a great little set-up on the porch and lots af great food. My only complaint is I needed real butter , not that fake stuff that I CAN believe it's NOT butter, for my delicious corn on the cob... but the corn was sweet...so even without butter it was good. When it got dark we all walked across the street to the neighbors dock and watched the Melbourne Fireworks....along with all the other fireworks going off all along the shore of the river. It was a fun day.

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