Monday, May 3, 2010

Kiena's Tips for Staying Young

If you are a regular or sometimes reader of this might recall that my dog Kiena, recently turned 10. She was starting to feel her age a little...but then she got an idea while watching the squirrels in the back yard

"A new haircut might just be the thing to make me feel young again!" Since a haircut was in order...we called the groomer."Grooms-to-Go" and E. came over to do the job. John likes to get Kiena a "summer cut"...I would probably keep the hair a little bit longer personally...but since I don't do the grooming...I'll take what I/we get She got the super buzz cut....and the other morning on our walk around the block...we happened upon a squirrel that didn't even run away...I think it thought Kiena was just one great big squirrel! hahahah
On a totally unrelated note...Brenna and a friend she works with up in D.C.- ...Brooke, came down to Florida for the weekend. John had planned to take them fishing for tuna...but the seas did not cooperate "You're going where?????How big is the boat? Really??????? In spite of a brisk wind...they decided to go for it.. just not as far out! I can't believe Brooke was good to go...I would've been a little nervous...but she went and did just fine! They got four dolphin (mahi-mahi). One big one...and we John cooked it right up that evening. Ron, Janet & Don S. joined us for a nice dinner of fried and grilled dolphin, fruit salad, delicious spinach salad with strawberries, onions, etc...(Thanks Janet!), biscuits with homemade jam and jelly (mango, passion fruit and one other...yum yum!)(that John got from a lady whose house he's been working on, corn and assorted other items. The girls enjoyed the fishing trip, the dinner and the weekend in general. Today...back to reality! But we had a nice visit with Brenna and it was nice to meet one of her co-workers.Here they are after a day of fishing...getting revived before they got ready to go out! Not bad for a rough day on the water...rough enough that they went out at Sebastian Inlet...went north (with a following sea) to Port Canaveral and then back south on the river...finally parking the boat at L.J. and Laurie's (in Indian Harbor Beach) and having me come pick them up there. ...complete with a trash can (big) in my trunk to put the fish in for transporting them back to our house. Later the girls went out..."for about an hour"...which turned in to 2am. I think they might be a little tired today! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha, we look beat in the picture! Thanks for driving us around that night!
