Sunday, April 25, 2010

Party /Art Show weekend

It was that time of year again....Brenna you missed it by a week this year!haha Chuck and Pat had their annual Crayfish Boil. The Crayfish flag was flying, Chuck had his LSU colors on and the pots were boiling
There were at least 5 batches cooked up...and in one of them was this little fellow? gal?...a little snapping turtle! (in with the crayfish) Saved from a trip to the hot boiling pot by the chef! They served up the usual crayfish, artichokes, corn (really HOT!),potatoes,sausage, shrimp....and I'm not sure what else because honestly I can't/don't eat any of's too hot for my taste. I ate the bread, regular boiled shrimp and all the side dishes. I got to bake up some cookies and a carrot cake...both got good reviews..which is part of the fun of baking...seeing people enjoy what you make! no one left there hungry, that's for sure.
M., P., N. and Anne
Charlie and John trying to eat the corn without burning their lips and mouths!
Enjoying a fresh batch
After you had something to could sit and enjoy the conversation and the breezy afternoon
And then...for some of was off to the Melbourne Art Show. My brother had a show of his own in a rented space downtown...right on New Haven Ave. It was ideal...a huge empty building, AC. bathrooms, yeah! no trips to the Port-o-Let and lots of wall space to hang his art was his "99 Pieces of Art on the Wall Show"
this show was an attempt to unload some of the art work that he has around his house!. The prices were great and he did well. He sold quite a few of the smaller pieces...and some people were able to buy pieces they had "thought" about buying...but didn't or couldn't justify spending the money...but at the $99.00 or less was more affordable! It was amazing how much "stuff" he had! Paul spent the week helping him get everything organized and up on the walls...this is the first show David's done since he was in the hospital.
One friend jokingly said..."Gee David, it's a shame you don't have time to work on creating any art!" hahaha
There was also convenient parking always tricky during the art show weekend a great DJ and some artwork from a local store "The Surf Gallery" sharing the space with David.
Each time a picture was sold...Paul or David put a new one up in the blank space. It was great to be able to see everything up on the wall...where you could really see it. I noticed some pieces I hadn't really noticed before.They put little SOLD stickers up...just so people would see things were being purchased.
one grouping
close up of one that sold...I liked this's fun...just like most of David's work.

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