Saturday, February 6, 2010

Debbie's Bonfire Birthday Party

Tonight was Debbie and Duane's annual bonfire party for Debbie's birthday.
Yesterday it rained all it was nice to see the sun today. Of course Debbie and Duane have this great covered patio weather is not a problem. Tonight it did get rather chilly...and It was very windy ,15-25 mph ,so we weren't sure if they would be able to have the fire. They usually save up tree stumps, assorted tree and lawn trash and an assortment of discarded Christmas trees.
The piles were ready to go.... fore casted...the winds did die down it was time for a fire.

It was amazing how much heat this fire gave off. Several years ago when we first attended this kind of freaked me out how quickly the Christmas trees ignited. I assumed it was because they were dry...but then was told that it is the resin?sap? in the trunk of the tree that is highly flammable...and when you toss one on the smokes a bit and then POOF! That tree ignites and puts out so much's scary. This is also why fires spread so quickly in the woods...when one tree burns and the ash doesn't take much to ignite the rest of the trees in the area. I must admit that having a live tree for Christmas kind of lost it's charm after I watched them burning the first year we attended the party. We've had an artificial tree ever since.

The sky cleared nicely...lots of stars were out. The wind died down enough to safely burn the fire and there was plenty of tasty food and drink available. We ate, talked, ate, stood out by the fire, ate some more and then headed home!

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