Friday, February 12, 2010

Anniversary time

Next Saturday is our 28th Anniversary...and so I thought....why not share some photos of the wedding day. This blog has been a test of my very limited skills on the computer... I have been learning as I go...some things work better than others. Well...for the first time ever...believe it or not...I scanned a picture and downloaded it to the computer. As you can see...I didn't quite master the task...but I did get the pictures on the blog. You will have to click on them to see them full size...since I couldn't figure out how to get the full size in the first place.... maybe next time!
Here is an assortment of photos..... the wedding party...John, Charlie McGee my sister Martha and I. My simple cotton dress....the slip I bought cost more than the dress itself! I had seen this dress in a favorite catalog (J.Jill...I had many dresses from that catalog back in the day) and knew this would be what I wore for my wedding...I never even looked in a Bridal Shop...except for the slip.(I did have some fancy shoes too...pretty ivory with embroidered flowers in soft pinks and greens) Martha's dress also came from the catalog. My parents with John and I,our delicious cake from where else...Publix Danish Bakery...I LOVE their cakes! A snapshot of my Mom with some good friends...John Griffin, Maureen Hogg and Father Jack Maloney.
The second group of shots includes us with John's brother and sisters and their families, My father and I coming into to the church (with Mr. Griffin looking on!),
three of my favorite father, my Godfather, Ray Brennan and my Uncle Dave (Monsignor David P. Welch) who married us. and John and I.
When we decided to get married...I knew it would have to be early in the year...winter or Spring...because as far as I am concerned,it is just TOO DARN HOT to get married any time after mid April in Florida. We couldn't get married during spring became February...actually a great month when it comes to weather. I had looked it up in the almanac...(at the Library of course) and saw that February had the lowest amount of rainfall...and since I wanted to have the reception at my parents mother was a little nervous .....she NEVER complained to me...but I know she was worried about what to do if it rained.....I just told her "It won't!" and didn't! It was a beautiful clear day with 68 degrees for the high...perfect weather for getting all dressed up! Really.....Perfect. We had a wonderful time with all of our family and friends.....we were lucky to have my Uncle Dave marry us. And now 28 years later...we're still celebrating....I feel very lucky!
We will be celebrating next Saturday...more on that next time.heeheehee

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