Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Books for kids

Since I have the day off tomorrow I decided I am going to go visit my friend Amy's class again and read a few stories to them...I am their unofficial "Rolling Reader" They didn't sign up for a reader and I didn't sign up to BE a reader...since I don't have a set schedule...so this arrangement has worked out pretty well for both of us. I usually manage to get to their class about once a month. This month...since it's January...I get to have some fun with some winter favorites! This first one I have already read to my Storytime group...and I will read it tomorrow if I have extra time....because even though the class is beyond the level of this book...the kids still enjoy it! I Love this book.. Snow Day! by Patricia Lakin. It reminds me of when we lived in Pittsburgh and we would wait to hear those magic words on the radio/weather report... "Snow Day today" ahhhh what fun! In Florida it's a Hurricane day...and if the hurricane really is coming...no one's going to be outside playing...but if the storm takes a turn...you might get lucky! anyway...it's great fun to read about SAM, PAM,WILL AND JILL and their fun in the snow.
Since we are getting close to Groundhog's Day...I get to read this book by Pamela Curtis Swallow....Groundhog Gets a Say. It's a cute story about a groundhog who thinks February should be "Groundhog Appreciation Month". Groundhog tells his friends all the reasons that groundhogs are important and impressive...so this story is a fun way to learn lots of facts about how groundhogs live, what they can do, like climb trees, swim, run as fast as the average 4th grader, dig burrows with their TEETH etc.
We had a 3 week cold spell here and we are having some more cooler weather...so I have to include two books about staying warm.haha
The Mitten Tree by Candace Christiansen is a lovely story about friendship and sharing. It starts off with a lonely old lady who notices all the children, except one, playing in the snow..and she realizes it's because he has no mittens. Worrying about him, she decides to knit him a pair of mittens and leave them by the tree for him to find. And so it goes...until she runs out of yarn....but then she gets a surprise herself. It's a nice story.

And then one of my very favorites... The Five Dog Night by Eileen Christelow....about two friends...Old Betty and Ezra.Betty has good intentions, she worries about her friend at the top of the hill...but Ezra is stubborn and thinks she's a "busybody" The author says this book was inspired by a true story of an elderly man in Vermont...who relied on his dogs to keep him warm in the winter. The colder the night...the more dogs in the bed....the pictures are cute and the characters are too! I read this every year to all my groups. :) I guess I better wrap this up....and put my books away so they are ready to go for tomorrow!

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