Monday, January 25, 2010

Late night musings

I should really be going to bed....but then again...I don't have to get up early tomorrow...I'm off. Actually...since we started the new schedule at the Library in October...I kind of like the way the schedule usually works out. I don't have to be to work until 9:00 most days...and that just seems to work well with my nocturnal nature. :) I have a hard time getting myself to go to bed getting up a little helpful. What I DISLIKE about the schedule is that it changes day to day...week to I have to make sure I am paying attention to the I know when and where I am supposed to be. It's not a major problem.. I realize people do it all the time....but it's different after working pretty much the exact same schedule for 4 years. And...there's the fact that I am at the front desk 15 hrs a week....I'd much rather be doing Children's...but that's the way it goes. I miss my Outreach programs...and they miss least that's what they tell me. And the Front desk is demanding.....I can handle that...most of the's the trying to do several things at once that I am NOT good at. Answering the phone, while checking people out or filling in applications for cards...while people try to chat with a challenge for me. I am not a good multi tasker...I like to start one thing and finish it...I just work better that way...otherwise I get going in too many directions and not much gets done. When a crowd comes in the doors right when we first open, and we are still trying to check in everything from the book gets hectic. Last Tuesday, after the Holiday weekend...we had a crazy crazy morning...everyone was trying to help at the guy when he got to the counter laughed and said "Okay...I'll have a slice of the pizza or whatever it is you guys are giving away today!" Just books!and Movies!, etc
Sometimes there are just too many piles of things (books from book drop, books for courier, books to put on cart to shelve...well you get the picture)that my poor brain starts getting a little cluttered! Then there's all the part-time residents who are back in town and needing their cards updated...causing the line to back up Soooooooooooo I am doing my best...trying not to screw things up too far I'm doing okay...I guess they can deal with me.
I do like chatting with the patrons about what they are reading....getting ideas of what I'd like to read... or not. I do tend to watch the clock a little more than I used to.....that makes me sad. I like to enjoy my work! At least the patrons and my co-workers seem to like ME...and I HAVE a job....and...who knows...maybe some day I will get it all together! haha In the meantime I am plugging along.

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