Sunday, November 29, 2009


Thanksgiving day we headed down to Debbie and Duane's house in Grant. It was a beautiful but sunny...just right for Thanksgiving. John and I joined Lucy and Mac, Debbie And Duane and the girls Sara and Lance with their two boys Lance (6) and Bishop (18mos) and Emily and Jesse and their daughter Ever - 10 months old and Grant. The rest of the gang was off on their own.
Deciding what to eat...there were plenty of options...the usual turkey, two types of stuffing, peas, carrots, green beans, sweet and regular potatoes...etc, etc. Some homemade squash and pumpkin soup (fresh from their wonderful garden!)
John and Mac
Lucy and her great grandson Bishop
Lance watching Ever and Bishop on the 4 wheeler...Bishop really wanted to ride that thing!
out on the porch..Lucy took this one...she wasn't sure how to work my camera. she got a lot of great shots on her camera!
Four generations....Emily and Ever, Lucy, Sara and Bishop and Debbie with Lance
I took a picture from the side of Mac taking pictures of the "girls"
Debbie's girls Sara and Emily
After dinner "wrestling" We all enjoyed the food and the company and the beautiful day.
Lucy, Mac, Grant, Emily, Jesse, Sara and Lance all had to go to other dinners later that day. The biggest problem would be finding room to eat anything else! Just a little reminder to us all of how fortunate we are! It was a beautiful afternnon and we enjoyed ourselves. Brenna was up at my sister Ellen's in NY...having fun with Ellen, Erik, David and Anna. Megan spent the day at the Borgelt's...visiting with her friend Claudia and her family...the ones who offered her a place to stay up in VA until she got settled. she had a nice time with them.

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