Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Magic

We are heading down to John's neice's(Debbie & Duane) house for Thanksgiving. His sister Lucy and Mac and all the family will be there. It should be a lively, fun celebration. The best part is I didn't have to cook the whole dinner...and it's going to be good I'm sure! All I had to make was a dessert (my favorite thing to make). *I did stop by the local gourmet store and pick up some roasted turkey breast, gravy, potatoes, when we get hungry later tonight...we will have "leftovers". I have made the whole dinner a few times...but's better when someone else cooks the turkey!
by Rowena Bastin Bennett

Thanksgiving Day I like to see
Our cook perform her witchery.
She turns a pumpkin into pie
As easily as you or I
Can wave a hand or wink an eye.
She takes leftover bread and muffin
And changes them to turkey stuffin'.
She changes cranberries to sauce
And meats to stews and stews to broths;
And when she mixes gingerbread
It turns into a man instead
With frosting collar' round his throat
And raisin buttons down his coat.
Oh, some like magic made by wands,
And some read magic out of books,
And some like fairy spells and charms
But I like magic made by COOKS!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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