Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kids On The Move....and Breaking News!

The Bad Dog

The Good Dog

Lover Boy


It's been crazy around here. Brenna flew home last night and is already on her way back to Virginia...only this time she's in the rental truck with John, Haze and all her things that have been gathering dust out in the garage for the last year.
Up until now, she has been living with her Uncle Rob and cousin Shane while she was working at a bakery in Leesburg and looking for a "real" for lack of a better word job. Well she got a job with a Government contractor about three months ago (?) I think, and it was a long drive to the city from Lansdowne. She had a temporary place to stay...and now...she will have her own place in Arling ton. Haze has been staying with us during the job/apt he is heading back with his "mama". Brenna will be glad to have him with her again. He's goofy sometimes...but he's a lover boy. He always greets you at the door with his wagging tail if he's not trying to sneak out! and he will get right up in your lap for a belly rub...or in your face to give you a great big "dog kiss" (picture Charlie Brown's friend Lucy..."I've been kissed by a dog!)Anyway there are some things I will miss....and others I must confess I will having to keep everything out of reach on the tables and counters,,,since he can poke around up there and snatch things if you aren't looking. John will no longer have to worry about Haze stealing his dirty socks...a habit he only recently picked up...."Ah that lovely tempting aroma!" I can now keep my floors more big paws tracking in the fine silt. There will probably less hair gathering in the corners...Kiena sheds...but Haze has that long, red wispy hair that seems to ALWAYS be around. The pool will be cleaner...but I'll miss watching him drop the bone in and watching it drift down to where he can retrieve it. Kiena is definitely going to miss him...even if it means she will now be able to play fetch and actually make it to the ball without Haze snatching it up first. And the neighbors are going to miss "Mr. Happy" wagging his tail at the fence. I think John is relieved that he can now mend the screens (they're not too bad) and touch up that paint around the doors where Houdini...I mean Haze, worked to get them open. My house is missing a few pieces of furniture...they're packed up and heading to VA. I'll get a new couch out of this that's good. John has plans to make one of the bedrooms into an exercise room....which is making Brenna a little nervous...we assured her she can come home anytime...we'll have a place for her to sleep. There were also some things for Megan packed into the truck, since she also found an apt. She has been staying with some friends in their basement was a perfect opportunity...but the drawback was it took her 1 1/2 hours to get to school. And as Brenna found out...not too many of their peers live out in the areas like Lansdowne and it was a long haul into town to get together with friends. not to mention dodging the deer on the way home They have been wonderful to her...kind, generous and supportive...I am so thankful that she has had them helping her out. She bought a bed and bookcase from them "Shop at the Borgelt's...the prices are right!" and they even helped her move everything. Again I am so Thankful to them and Rob for helping my kids out!
And now...the hard part of letting them go. You work hard to help your kids grow and be independent...and when they do...they move on in life. It's hard to let go......even if
I know they'll be back. I am very proud of them both. I would never take off...on my find a job/go to school...whatever. This must be the "John" in them! It's exciting...but I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry a little. The nice thing is...they are both in DC. Brenna in Arlington, Megan in we will be able to see both if we go up. Plus Rob and Shane are in Lansdowne and Elizabeth and the kids aren't TOO far away in Virginia Beach. I wish I was heading up there right see the leaves changing...but my new schedule didn't allow me to do that. I will have to be content with READING about the changing leaves...which I have been doing, at Storytime
After John, Haze and Brenna headed out....I got started organizing everything here. I moved some things around a bit....John is going to wonder HOW I did it.. I only got caught on one corner He decided we were going to unload the old furniture on Brenna and Megan my house feels a little empty. Among the missing items was a fold-out sleeper chair I got from LL Bean. John never liked the thing...but I did. He told me it was the most uncomfortable chair he'd ever sat in.hahaha Haze liked it! I sat it in /dozed off in it more than once.....we only used it as a bed once or twice...and the feedback was...that it was adequate. Megan's friend Aaron was the first to test it out. When I enthusiastically asked how comfortable it was...he politely said it was okay...but not really what he would call comfortable. hahahaha....reminds me of a couch we had a my Mom and Dad' was getting a little worse for the of David's buddies spent the night at our house...the next morning he thanked my Mom for letting him stay and handed her some $...he told her it was his contribution to the new couch fund! hahaaha

AND NOW...the Breaking brother David called a bit ago to tell me he was awarded "BEST IN SHOW" in the Winter Springs Art Festival today. He said he thought he might get something...when 1st and 2nd were announced he was a little disappointed...until he heard his name being announced as Best in Show! Nice $2000.00 prize to go with the ribbon! Not bad!
In other breaking news just in case you missed it...haha The Gators eeked out another Win! Too bad Tennessee couldn't pull off the upset in Alabama!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHHAH I just read this post and I was laughing so hard! I would have laughed louder but I think the people in my office might think Ive gone mad! I miss you too. Wish you were hear for the leaves.
