Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Fun at the Melbourne Beach Library

"Baa Baa Book Sheep - our entry in the "Pimp Your Bookcart Contest"

The library is decorated for the holiday fun. Dianne always gets out her assortment of cute holiday decorations...and this year we have decorated one of our bookcarts. It is being entered into a contest "Pimp Your Bookcart"...(like the TV show). Winning library gets a new bookcart....some of the entries are pretty impressive!
Our "theme" for this year, is "Fractured Fairy Tales" we are going to have a variety of characters and games throughout the library along that theme. The bookcart is one of Bo- Peep's missing sheep. We had a contest for the patrons to name the sheep...and the winner was "Baa Baa Book Sheep". Here's some of the decorations....I'll take photos of the staff later today.

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