Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sad day

Maybe this sounds corny...but I was really sad to hear the news that Ted Kennedy had died. I have pretty much quit watching the news on TV....because with the new 24/7 coverage I find it hard to listen to any of them any more! Everything is so sensationalized and each network is determined to be the "First on the scene" with "Breaking News"....half the time they aren't even Sure if they have the facts straight...but God forbid they don't get on the air!....but today I was glued to the TV..I know people think I'm a die hard liberal.... and I am! But no one can deny the legacy Kennedy left behind...with his work on issues that affected women, children, the disabled, the elderly, students, civil rights, Aids victims....and the list goes on and on. He truly devoted his life to public service. Of course he was no saint...he had some major screw ups...but he still persevered. He lost a brother in World War II, Jack and Bobby to assassins, one sister in a plane crash, another sister was the victim of a failed lobotomy....and then his own three children all had some form of cancer...(two of them serious) and his former wife battled breast cancer. I don't know about you...but I'm not sure how I would survive all that and still have the faith he had and the strength, courage and determination to speak out for change and to work for the good of the country, especially for those whose voices aren't always heard. Either my Mom used to say this...or I heard someone use this expression...but all I could think was "He was one of the good guys." Listening to the news reports and comments from people he worked with over the years I am convinced that he was a great statesman . Flawed yes, but he overcame his mistakes and made a difference in the lives of millions of people. Now that he's gone........It's a sad day.

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