Monday, August 24, 2009

Sparks were Flying

We were noticing our lights flickering ....(even the nightlights) and wondered what was going on.
It was unlike any power surge we've ever had....knew something was up.but out of my control Well....we were getting ready to leave and saw Ra and Pilar in the driveway looking up. Okay....we looked up and saw what they were looking at...a flame(?) coming out of the transformer that is in the back corner of out yard. Looked a little dangerous....Ra was calling the Fire Dept. and they arrived shortly thereafter. Meanwhile the neighbors were all gathering in the street trying to figure out where the FPL guys were....and wondering what to turn off/disconnect in case the whole thing blew up. One guy from around the corner came by with his baby son...told us he had just installed a light fixture when the lights started flickering and his wife was convinced it was all his fault. He was just glad to know he wasn't to blame! hahhaha
I was watching the occasional sparks falling..wondering about the thick palm fronds MY backyard

The flame would go down and then shoot out 2 feet! or looked dangerous. FPL (Florida Power & Light) arrived and cut the power. John was over where the FPL truck was (around the corner) and asked the guy if we should go out like we had originally planned to do...or wait...he said "Go". Good idea.....we left, made a stop at some friends and then got something to eat...pulled into the driveway and the power came on 5 minutes later. That's what I call good timing! It's been working fine ever since...until 2 minutes ago when we had a power surge...that caused this computer to stop and restart. I checked the back sign of flames!

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