Saturday, August 22, 2009

Random thoughts

Went to the movies yesterday afternoon....I figured I figured wrong! that there wouldn't be many people there on a Friday afternoon at 1:00pm. Anyway...decided to go see Julie & Julia. It was fun! A good story with great acting...and just very enjoyable. I recently finished a couple of well-written, but kind of depressing books..."Flying Carpet of Small Miracles "by Hala an Arab-American Journalist. It was good...about her experiences in Iraq prior to and during the war in Iraq. One of the most haunting things for me personally was her description of the pregnant women who were going to the hospitals to have the doctors induce labor, (some 3 months early!) because they were afraid of not being able to get there one the "liberation" started. I can't imagine. There was much more to the story...but a lot about civilians caught in the middle of the war. The other book , by Nathalie Abi-Ezzi called "A Girl Made of Dust"was about a family in Beirut Lebanon during the war in 1982..(.which coincidentally my brother Mark was involved in during his time in the Navy). The first was nonfiction, the second fiction...but both were sad reminders of how wars take their toll on people. Anyway...after reading those two books I needed some pure entertainment and Julie & Julia fit the bill perfectly! even if I did have to share a row with a few other people.haha Like I said ...I thought it would be's been out a few weeks, mid-afternoon on a weekday.....but I was wrong. I like going to the movies when I sit all by myself...with no chance of popcorn or ice crunchers sitting next to me. hahha I'm laughing...but I am serious...I am peculiar that way!
anyway...if you want some fun's worth a trip to the movies...or at least a trip to Blockbuster or Netflix later on! everyone in the theater & women alike,,,,seemed to enjoy it.
John got a plaque in the mail yesterday...commemorating his Hole-in-one. Very nice. I got a plaque from the county commissioners last week for 10 years of service to the county...too bad it took me 30 years to get a 10 year plaque! haha
And last but not least....I need a vacation I think! I just want to go somewhere for a few days...and sip tea, drink coffee, whatever. As soon as I figure out where I want to go...I'll book it
Any suggestions?!


    any of those places might do.


    can we go there ?
