Monday, August 17, 2009

Big wahoo - small boat

Imagine this little boat,,,(well, it is 17 ft long...but compared to the other boat John's been fishing in it's pretty small. 12 ft smaller). anyway...back to the point...imagine this boat 32 miles offshore in a 4-6 ft swell! Waves breaking over the bow.... No Thanks!
But that's exactly where John and Ron were on Saturday morning. It wasn't supposed to be that rough...but you never really know until you get out there...which is part of the reason I usually don't want to go out!When they caught this 48 or so Wahoo...they decided they were happy to leave it at that and head in. The trip in was not as bad...since they were with the swell.

It was great to have fresh fish again...seared Wahoo with soy/wasabi sauce. Delicious. Last night we brought some to the Roy's house. We had the wahoo and Mike's Lobster Casserole....made with lobster caught last week. (6 lobsters totaled over 46 lbs!)
Yum yum.
*On a totally unrelated note...some lame lyrics I heard today and had to share.........
"Turn off the lights. light the candles
Put your arms around my love handles" I turned it I don't know if it got better or even worse after that! haha

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I just laughed really loud remembering us talk about that song!
