Monday, August 31, 2009

"Crabgrass Shoulder"

You've heard of Tennis elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...well I believe I have "Crabgrass Shoulder" hahahha...and it would be funnier if my shoulder didn't hurt! Lately the crabgrass is growing like crazy...and I just CAN"T seem to ignore it....I'll be out tossing the "bone" to Haze and spot a patch and I am compelled to remove it! (If I wait...I might forget where it's located).

Haze doesn't like this too much...since I am supposed to be playing with him...not pulling weeds!

Or...I'll be mowing the lawn and spot some.....I wish I could just pretend that I didn't see it...but I just can't d#%$ it! So...forget about any kind of manicure for these nails...I'd be getting out of the car from the a patch of crabgrass...and it would be all over. hahaha Round-up helps for the really stubborn areas...but it's usually not too hard to get I guess I'll have to continue. It's just I woke up last night wondering why my neck and shoulder were STILL sore...even though I just had a massage on Friday...and then I was that D#@& gets me every time!

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