Saturday, August 29, 2009

3,2,1 Blast Off!

Into space....we really saw it much clearer than this.......but click on for better view

heading up..................

Last night at 11:59 pm the Shuttle went up again. About10 minutes before launch time we hopped in the car and went down to the beach.(too dark to ride the bike across A1A)

We were not disappointed....right on schedule the whole sky lit up over Cape Canaveral and the rocket went into space! My little camera really didn't capture it very well.....but it was cool to watch. Since we were down on the beach behind the Quality Suites Hotel it's not QS anymore...but I can never remember what it as far as I'm's Quality Suites,,hahawith a small crowd of people of all ages, from all over the United States ,many of whom had never seen a launch live, let alone a NIGHT launch live,... there was plenty of excitement.(I know that was a terrible sentence grammatically speaking...but.....)

These photos are of the rocket and if you can see it...some of the people on the beach. It was pretty funny to walk down to the beach at 11:55pm and see a small gathering of people , many of them holding up cameras and cell phones (glowing in the dark) waiting for the lift-off. As I said, my pictures really didn't capture the sight...but they're all I've you'll have to use your imagination! :)

1 comment:

  1. How do I keep missing these. I want to be on the beach at midnight watching launches :)
