Tuesday, July 14, 2009

weekend visitors

Last week was a Looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg
week...I don't know exactly why it felt so long...but it did. We were looking forward to a visit from my sister Elizabeth. she was coming to town for her class reunion.

Elizabeth & I at Meg O'Malleys on Friday afternoon

View of the beach from Liz's room

Looking west from her room you could see the river

after the rain...a rainbow over the ocean

Mark, Lynn,David, Elizabeth & Anne John took the pictures.

Mark borrowed John's cheapo glasses...Mark has big eyes...these glasses were like a magnifying glass on his eyes! Like the goofy glasses my Dad used to joke around with.

We didn't plan this very well did we? haha white t-shirts against the white walls......oh well Elizabeth's flight was a little late getting in Friday...so our lunch turned to a late lunch/early dinner....but it was just as good. My brother David joined us too. After we ate we had to make a trip to Publix for a creme filled donut...we hoped...but no luck...so we HAD to buy a small cake instead...with creme frosting! Elizabeth attended her activities for a few hours and then she & I went to City Tropics for a bite to eat and a drink. we had fun catching up and I enjoyed all the stories about her classmates. apparently there was one "girl" who seemed to remember Elizabeth and (our neighbor) Alison...however neither Liz or Alison remembered her........oh well. They were talking about work or something and Elizabeth was talking about her days when she worked in the Crime Lab ( as a forensic scientist) in Norfolk, VA. The same girl's husband asked if the lab was like the labs on the TV shows...to which Elizabeth said..."No. it's not dimly lit and the staff isn't so glamorous"...then said classmates husband said."Well, you're pretty glamorous". Elizabeth said she just pretended like she didn't hear him and changed the subject. haha
The next night he asked told her he had looked her up in his wife's yearbook...and he wondered if she was one of those cool girls in high school with her name on her car. HA....maybe on her bike! None of us had a car in high school!
Saturday we both got up and she took a walk on the beach and worked out...I slowly got going and then took a bike ride and walked the dog. We went for lunch at where else.......Longdoggers...you can't come to Indialantic without going there! we spent the afternoon sitting on her balcony (sort of...pretty small...but it worked) watching the people down at the pool and the beach...and watching the rainstorms pass by south of us. There were a couple of weddings going on at the hotel...so we had to check everyone out! we sipped on some sparkling wine, talked and relaxed until it was time for her to get ready for the gathering. She went for a couple of hours, then called Paul and I and we all met at Ichabod's a little restaurant/bar just up from me...down from her hotel. We had a lot of good laughs and enjoyed sitting outside until about 12:30. (I don't usually go out that late any more!...but we had fun)
Sunday, John joined us for a movie and then the three of us met David, Mark & Lynn for dinner at Villa Palma..(.where David is a regular) (He saw several friends in there in addition to knowing the whole staff.)So it was a nice relaxing weekend...we talked and laughed a lot...too bad the rest of the crew couldn't join us! Monday morning we met Mark for breakfast at The Blueberry Muffin (where Elizabeth & Jenifer worked once upon a time along with another good friend Lynn T) and then it wasn't long before we were off to the airport! Now I am looking forward to our next visitors.....Martha and Tony are coming in October........ and you never know who might turn up in the meantime!

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