Saturday, July 18, 2009

Office update

A few weeks ago I wrote about the organized chaos in the office where I work. Sometimes it drives me crazy...but I try to go with the flow. The thing is I never know when my boss is going to decide to "tidy up"...and so even when I arrive at work and things have been put back/away/'s not necessarily better. Last Saturday I got to work and found this! Ah...Friday must've been slow...D had time to straighten up....too bad it took me 10-15 minutes to figure out where things were NOW! sometimes you just can't win! Table was now visible...but where did she put the tape?, etc. Oh kept me busy........

"stored" up on the ceiling...
luckily I'm short....I just need
the step stool to get them down as needed.

Old Office Depot boxes hold construction paper scraps to be used for small parts of eyes, noses, etc.

Out in the Youth services part of the library.................................a display
celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Launch and landing....a big part of life on "the Space Coast". Next week we are doing stories and songs about space.....and painting Glow-in the-Dark t-shirts.

Easy Books in this section...and you can see some of D's flower decorations
and part of our Children's area.

We had a craft program on Monday....the kids made a mobile....they turned out pretty cute.
better than I thought and then along with our usual Toddler Time, LapTime and Storytime programs...we had another visit from Jiggleman. He is scheduled for a total of 3 visits to our library in hopes of spreading the crowds out and giving everyone a chance to see him, Well...we didn't expect as many as we got (close to 200)...they were calling from Suntree (30-40 minutes away (in traffic) and Palm Bay 30-40 minutes away in the other's just crazy! I left at 12:30pm... so D was on her own.....she was a little we are wondering how many we will get when he comes for the grand finale of our summer programs............we'll have to wait and see.

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