Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jenifer July 23,1963 - April 19, 2007

Cheryl, Jen & Ellen dancing?posing? both!

Lindsey, Bridget, Brenna & Jen

* All of us except Martha

Jen & Rob

Jen & Rob & Paul

Cheryl & Jenifer , friends since the first day of first grade

Aunt Jenifer & Brenna

Aunt Jenifer & Megan

Celebrating Shane's birthday

"Those we have laughed with,learned from, leaned on, and loved most
will live on in memory forever."

I just wanted to share a few photos and a few words in memory of my sister Jenifer, who died two years ago today. The photos remind we of what a beautiful person Jenifer was. These are (mostly) from John's 50th birthday party in December 2005. Jen was pretty sick at the time...but the pictures show her smiling, dancing, laughing and just being Jen! The year and 3 1/2/ months following this get-together were pretty thing after another and a lot of pain....but she stayed pretty positive. It's not quite as hard to think about her without wanting to cry....but I miss her ; especially when something funny comes up and I'd love to be able to laugh about it with her.(see the post about the towels) However...when I do think about her...I can hear her in my she's not so far away after all.
*as you may know...I love music and I almost always have music on in the I do now...
and it just so happens that a perfect song for this post just played on my Ipod.
"From Where You Are" by Lifehouse (which is a perfect song when you need a good cry!)
and I'll just finish off with a verse from that song.......
I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here.

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