Monday, April 20, 2009

April 21st - Holocaust Remebrance Day

Okay since it's National Poetry Month and tomorrow is Holocaust Remembrance day.. and I have a poem to share. I saw this poem about 19-20 years ago on a trip to DC to visit Jen. John watched the girls and I went for a few days by myself...and stayed with Jen..(.when she lived in Vienna)
We had a great time the whole trip. We got to visit all the museums when snow had shut the city down...offices, schools, etc were closed...but the museums were open. It was a great time to go...hardly anyone was there.l I went to see one of my favorite exhibits in the American History Museum... the first ladies Inaugural gowns....Well I've been there when you could hardly see anything...but Jen and I were in the room with only a handful of people. So we had a chance to really look closely at the dresses and accessories, etc. I don't think I will ever get to see it like that again. We also saw a fabulous exhibit at one of the museums (can't remember which one) from the Sultan Suleiman (Sp?) Gold crowns encrusted with jewels, hand painted books and again things I doubt I'll ever see again. During that trip we also visited the National Children's Museum and somewhere in our travels...we saw an exhibit from the new (at the time) Holocaust Museum that was opening soon.
There were photographs, etc that would just break your heart... a documentation of the 6 million Jews that were killed (as well as others)but the one of the things that stayed with me all these years was a collection of poems that prisoners in the concentration camps had written that were on display. The one I am going to share just really struck could someone in such a horrible place, cold and starving...... still have such hope and faith that things would get better. I have wondered many times since then if I would have the courage and strength to survive....and I wish I could say YES! but I just don't know............
This poem was written by a young woman/girl:
From Tomorrow On
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad
From tomorrow on!
Today I will be gay!
What is the use of sadness----tell me that?---
Because these evil winds begin to blow?
Why should I grieve for tomorrow---today?
Tomorrow may be so good, so sunny,
Tomorrow the sun may shine for us again:
We shall no longer need to be sad.
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad----
From tomorrow on!
Not today: no! Today I will be glad.
And every day, no matter how bitter it be,
I will say:
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad,
Not today!
Motele (*she did not survive the camp)

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