Monday, March 16, 2009

vacations and family

Well it's Monday after two weeks because I was sick, last week because we went skiing in Colorado. One last day off today to get organized and then it's "Back on the Chain Gang".
(27 years ago when I was off for my wedding and honeymoon, the day I returned to work my alarm went off playing that song (by the Pretenders). I laughed then and every time I take a vacation I think of that song (still like it) when I get ready to return to work.
During the last two weeks I have been lucky enough to visit with my sister Elizabeth and my niece Meredith when they came to sunny Fl for a few days for some sunshine and shopping and a lot of good laughs. Then the following weekend(7th) John and I flew out to CO to meet up with my sister Martha & Tony (from Hawaii) and Ian (in from NC) and Megan from Pensacola. (haven't seen her since June!) Brenna came home to take a break from winter and job work on her tan
watch the dogs; so we got to visit with her for a few days too, Fun!
We went from 70 weather and sea level to freezing (and below) and 9000-12,000 ft in one day!
Skiing was great, we got two days of fresh snow and lots of sunshine. (nicest weather I remember in CO)Skiing with John and are guaranteed to be the first ones we always got in 5-6 runs before too many others were on the slopes. No lines at the lifts for the most part and nice groomed conditions. Lots of fun for all of us. On Wed. 11th, it snowed and we had 4-6 inches of fresh powder on Th morning. When we got to the top of Peak 10 (at Breckenridge) it was still snowing a little. I love seeing those perfectly shaped little snowflakes landing on me. It never ceases to amaze amuse me. As I started down from the top, the snow was sparkling like glitter...and the snow that was falling at the time looked like a cloud of glitter. It was so cool! I have never seen anything like it. (If Martha hadn't seen it too...I might have thought I was imaging things.) It was so pretty. Anyway it was a great time with family and some friends we met up with out there. everyone had a great week. No injuries...a few bruises...worst bruise I got was when I fell from a stationary position...Oh well. Ha ha. I'm sure people heading up on the lift enjoyed it. Just took Brenna to the airport...Haze was ready to jump in the car with us (he figured it was time for one of Brenna's road trips!). Hate to have to say goodbye to everyone...but at least I got to see them all. Hope to see Martha and Tony again in Oct., Brenna ? Megan? Ian? Elizabeth? we'll see. I miss them already.

1 comment:

  1. Aw mom I miss you already too! Im glad you have a blog now I can read the funny stuff you see/write!
    I am always telling people how weird people/things always happen to us! Now we can all laugh!
