Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shuttle Launch

I went for a bike ride around sunset tonight, completely forgetting that there was a launch scheduled. I was riding along saying hello to all the people outside (to watch the launch) thinking how nice it was that everyone was outside on a nice mid March evening. When I got closer to the beach I saw several cars...still didn't remember (sad but true) and thought that the surf must really be good. When I got close to the beach park up the road groups of people were trying to cross A1A and the parking lot at Paradise Beach was FULL. I am happy to report I finally figured it out...although I was a little surprised because there was a pretty good breeze blowing. Well...shortly thereafter I got to see the rocket lift-off into the clear sky and it was quite a sight. You could see the rocket boosters falling because the sun reflected on them in the darkening sky and you could see the shuttle for a long, long time before it finally got out of sight. Even with the wind there was a good sonic boom afterwards.(I love that!) It was nice to see so many people at the beach and pulled over along the road to watch...sometimes it's like no one is paying attention and it really is an incredible thing each time one of those rockets launches. John and I were lucky enough to be on a cruise heading out of Canaveral when the last one went up in November. It was a spectacular sight and fun to watch because we were watching it with many people on board who were seeing a launch for the first time. Like anything.....seeing it live and that close (especially at night) there really is no comparison.

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