Saturday, August 17, 2019

Unexpected family fun

We had some unexpected family fun with some of John's family in June. My nephew Justin had a job down in the Keys one week in June; and his family decided to drive down to join him near where he was working. (His wife's sister was also down in the Keys at the same why not?)

Another family member spotted a posting on Social media and asked Justin where they were...because she thought she recognized the surroundings in one of his posts. Sure enough they were in the Keys. Debbie suggested they stop by here on their way back to's kind of the half way point. Justin was excited about the thought...and checked with the rest of his family. Everyone thought it would be fun. It was a last minute more ways than one. But some how...everything fell into place perfectly.

A) Debbie and Duane were out of town camping with two of their grandsons...but they would be back the same day Justin and family arrived in town
B)Josh has been traveling a lot for work...but he happened to be home for this particular week
C) We were going to be going out of town the day after Justin and family were leaving from here
D) Lance and Sara hardly ever both have the same day off...but this time BOTH were able to join us along with all their kids
E)Lucy and Mac were able to get here...they hadn't met Justin and Darby's children...and hadn't seen Justin in almost 12 years or so
F)The weather threatened to rain...but never really did...just helped cool things down a little

Sooo...we all just figured out who was doing what...we ordered BBQ from a local place, Lucy and Debbie brought all the sides and we had a wonderful time!
We invited my nephew and crew to stay here...they questioned whether we really wanted all the chaos that comes with 4 kids and Mom and Dad...but John told them to bring it on. They are all easy going and everyone just "went with it" and slept here and there. No 5-star hotel by any means...but no one cared.
First day here...I had a headache I could not get rid I stayed home and everyone  else headed out. I was tempted to go...but Brenna said...Mom just rest we'll be back later and we're all getting together then.

First stop was where we always bring anyone who comes to visit...LongDoggers for lunch. It's the local spot...and has something for everyone in a relaxed beach atmosphere. After lunch, John took Justin and the two boys down to the beach and brought along a surfboard.

 The waves were.....very small...but perfect for learning. The boys had a blast and both had success!!
Brenna, Darby and the girls loaded up in Brenna's car and went shopping around town. stopped in a few local boutiques and then ventured out to HomeGoods where they all had a good time. While everyone was gone...I got things together for our "cook-out" without the cooking hahaha. I also had time to make a batch of cookies of course.
When we all got together that evening there were 20 of us in all.

Mac had fun talking to all the kids.

The younger kids enjoyed meeting each other and comparing musical tastes. And of course there was the pool. Justin loved seeing Lucy and Mac...and Debbie, of course, again.

 He and Darby enjoyed talking with Sara and Lance, Debbie and Duane and Lucy and really was a great time for all. worth all the chaos! and even with my headache that would not go away...I enjoyed it all too!!! we all vowed to get together again to...and not wait 13 years in between time!
Justin and family left on Wednesday to make their way home. We cleaned up and packed up for our trip up to Tennessee for the 4th of July and a visit to some more family.
My nephews and their wives have an annual 4Th of July...AKA Here Comes The Boom fish fry and party. It's a great way to celebrate Becky's birthday and the 4th.
We've been hearing about the get-together for several years, but it just never worked out for us to get up there. This year we planned ahead and made sure we would be able to go. Parties at the Snyder compound are always a lot of fun. Good friends, plenty of food...and for the 4th...lots of fireworks. Personally...I'm not crazy about the fireworks...but over the years we have had many friends who ARE so I kind of knew what to expect.
We arrived in town on the we headed over to Solon and Chase's houses from the airport and we had a small cookout with the family. We got to meet our newest great nephew. At 9 months old,,,he was at that pleasant stage when he pretty much just smiled at us and enjoyed all the extra attention. Traffic wasn't too bad...since most people were probably already where they wanted to be by the time we arrived in TN. After our cookout, Sandy and Ken lead the way back to their house in Pigeon Forge. We wanted to get "home" in time to see the local fireworks there.

 We got to watch the fireworks display down the street (at the local park) and then from the front porch my brother-in-law pointed out we had a great view of the nightly fireworks display from Dollywood. Perfect...not too close...away from the crowds,,,right in the comfort of their yard!
Friday we drove around town a bit, revisiting some of the places we originally visited back in the '70s and '80s! (back when it was a sleepy little area in the Smoky Mountains

.'s sleepy no more...hasn't been for many years...but I was surprised that it was NOT as bad as I feared it would be. The town has done a good job of organizing a transportation system of trams, buses, etc to get people from point A to point B. It's made a big difference. I remember past trips where every time we tried to go anywhere...there was a long line of traffic in all directions.
We stopped by a favorite spot The Apple Barn.

 First went there when Brenna was a baby,( ,,she's 34 now).

We got there early to beat whatever crowds there might be on a holiday weekend. Had an apple doughnut and some fresh apple cider. Picked up a few turnovers to bring back for the rest of the gang back at the house. Later that day my brother -in-law took us for a drive around town and in to Wears Valley. We stopped by a store that my nephew sells some of his wood works. I've seen it online and enjoyed seeing the actual store.

 We drove past an area  we once owned a lot...back in the mid '80s. We kept it for a few years then sold it for a good profit. At the time we bought the lot...there were no roads, a lot had to be done before it would have been feasible for US to do anything on the property.

It was fun to see the area after all these years. Then we drove along a new stretch of the Foothills Parkway. Hardly any traffic  and being the passengers...we got to really enjoy the views.

Finally...Saturday was the big party day. We didn't have much to do to get ready. Sandy was preparing a couple of dishes to bring. John and I took a walk down along the river. Over the years that part of the town has changed quite a bit. There's a big park/hotel/etc complex about a mile from their house. It's nice...and the pathway to the complex
jumping frog ride

 is pleasant...but it's....developed. Good for the economy...sad to see the trees and wildlife being slowly pushed farther back. Another big project going up soon. Word on the a grocery store and other shopping. Convenient...but there goes another few acres of woods.
We got to the party a few hours early and helped finish setting up tables and odds and ends. Enjoyed sitting down by the river on the dock with my nephew's wife. At one point we were there so long...everyone was looking for us. hahahah We knew where we were the whole time hahah So relaxing sipping water (or whatever) down by the water on a summer afternoon.

When the guests started to arrive...we all enjoyed the fish Solon and his buddy were frying up. All the fish the guys (and girls) have been catching for months. Yum! Sampled all the side dishes...I love a pot-luck! I know a few people who don't, for whatever reason, but I have always liked trying everyone's favorite dishes they've cooked up.It was fun to watch all the kids running around and playing together in the yard, in the creek, etc.

John checking out the sno-cones
There was a neighbor who was making sno-cones...kid version...and some adult only flavors.

 My great niece had at least 4 before dinner. Ahhh to be 7 years old on the 4th of July! We all enjoyed a surprise visit from another great niece/cousin. Victoria and her husband, who none of us had met, had recently moved to the Knoxville area. When Sandy found out she suggested that Victoria and Clay call sometime. Well, they ended up being able to make it to the party which was great. We all got to spend some time just chatting and getting reacquainted . The fireworks were pretty impressive. These guys put a lot of time and money in to planning their display.
those are sparklers...not flames
before we all had to duck and run

Of course things can always go awry...and we had a brief moment of panic when one "launcher" tipped and started shooting the fireworks at us!!! No one got hurt...but I guarantee it got our heart rates up!!!!!! When the first one came in our direction...I wasn't paying complete attention. I thought Wow , that was close. Saw a small cluster of people jump back. Then... more started coming and I thought "S&%#! these are coming right at us! The guys saw what was happening and acted quickly to knock the launcher any further fireworks would go off to the side. one got hurt...but I confess I thought to myself...that's why it's a good idea to leave some things to the professionals. I feel like an old lady sometimes...but that IS what I thought. Over the years, as I've said, we've had friend who like my nephews LOVE putting on a big display...and there's been some close calls...but as far as I know nothing too bad. One year a group of us in our neighborhood were shooting off some small (in comparison) rockets, etc. We knew it was we were ready with buckets of sand just in case. little fire started...and you never saw people run so fast with buckets of sand and water,,,before we set the  whole area on fire!!!! Another time a group down the street was shooting off all kinds of bottle rockets, etc...and one ended up going right through the screen over the neighbor's pool...while they were in it!!!!! Laura was NOT happy...she marched down the street soaking wet with what was left of the rocket in her hand to give them a piece of her mind. It was funny...but only because nothing really happened. The first 4th of July after 9/11...I swear I've never seen SO MANY fireworks in my life! Everyone was shooting things off. My brother Mark and I were driving down to Melbourne Beach that a party? or something...and I swear it felt and looked like a war zone. Things flying in all directions and smoke to go with them. It was crazy! I always fear that one will go under a car....or into a car driving by...and that same thought crossed my mind this year, as the road goes past their property...and if one of the Bigger fireworks went towards the could be bad. It didn' wasn't...every had a grand time...and I enjoyed it too.....but personally...I'd be happy with fish and food hahahahahahah

It was a fun 4th of July. I always feel like it's more of a special day on a  holiday when we actually DO something special. Summer in Tennessee is GREEN and lovely. As a friend and I decided...Florida is green's just a different kind of green. 
Until next time.......

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