Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Way way better than a hurricane

The hurricane was moving closer to Florida...meanwhile we were enjoying perfect fall weather up in Tennessee and we were excited about the wedding! We headed over to my nephew's house that morning to help set up the chairs and tables as needed.

 Everything had been delivered, the bride had a plan in mind...we just helped her get things into their proper places.We set up the chairs in the front yard for the ceremony and then moved to the back yard to set up tables and chairs under the tent. While we did that, the guys were finishing up with the dance floor and the lights, etc.Everything was coming together nicely.
We found a great restaurant right near the hotel where we were staying; so  after we finished  setting up, we went and had lunch and watched a little football. I even wore my Gator shirt! ( remember we were in Knoxville TN!) No one paid much attention...probably because our team was only slightly better than theirs this year...hahahaha Neither one was a contender. We went back to the hotel and we took it easy until it was time to get ready. As the day went on, more family members rolled into town and everyone I was getting excited. 
We headed out to the "Snyder Compound" as they call it, since my nephews live next door to one another on what was once a single property. It was a beautiful afternoon, mild temperatures and clear skies. Perfect day for a wedding.

  We found our seats...and spotted our niece and her family already in the crowd. 

Next we spotted John's brother, his wife and their son Justin and his family. It was great to see everybody again and hear what they've all been up to.   

After the ceremony it was time to start the celebrations!There was lots of good food, drinks and conversation. We enjoyed taking and laughing with everyone

 until the music and dancing got started. As always things were slow getting Brenna and I made a request or two and we got one or two out on the dance floor. I was dancing to songs I've never heard of...but once I start...Why not. I figure if the DJ plays my request...I have to humor him(her) and dance to someone else s. 

Once things got going, more and more people got up to join the fun. I even danced to some of the group dances.....even though I'm terrible at getting my left and right straight. By then no one cared...hahaha and maybe they just assumed I had been drinking....hahahahah   

it took Chase a while to get onto the dance floor...but when he finally joined us he was "getting down"
a heartfelt karaoke rendition of Dolly Parton's "Jolene" hahahaha
It was a great celebration and party. I think everyone had a good time.  We danced all night and laughed, sang, talked and just enjoyed the happy moments. It was WAY WAY better than being holed up in the center of our house listening to wind howling outside during a hurricane!!!!!!

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