Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sometimes You Just Have To Have A Party

Sometimes you just have to have a just do. And in this case it was to celebrate my nephew's graduation. My sister Jenifer passed away 10 years ago in April, and this year, her son was going to graduate from High School. I know darn well that if Jen were still alive...she would be having a I decided it was up to us (the rest of our family) to make it happen. I made a suggestion to my sister Elizabeth...and she took the idea and ran with it.
At the time we started talking about the brother-in-law was having "issues" with one or two of us...but I just decided the heck with that...we were having a party and he would just have to figure it out. I am happy to report that he did...and as a result...everyone is much happier...especially him!
Luckily many things fell into place and almost everyone was able to be there. Mark had a reservation made....but a last  minute thing at work kept him from going. And my nephew David and his wife Samii had to miss because they have a new baby. Other than that...the whole gang was there.
**I think I am always making family members nervous when I decide to go ahead and plan this kind of get-together and just figure everyone will "behave" hahaha It's a party! Figure it out!!!** I did the same thing with John's family a few years back...after the party several confessed they had been a little nervous about going for one reason or another...but were happy they had decided to attend and realized after the fact that they had worried for nothing. :)
Elizabeth really took charge of this party for Shane. She checked in with Rob regularly making plans for dates, times, food etc. She and Meredith made up an announcement and an invitation.

 She ordered cakes, balloons, decorations...everything! The only thing I had to do was check in periodically, give my opinion from time to time and  work on  the music. We wanted to be sure there was good music to dance to...and play in the background. When we first started planning and chose the date...we realized there were two other "events" we could incorporate into the weekend celebration.
One was that Megan and Marcus happened to be in the states on vacation. (the company pays for a trip home once a year.) During their time "home", they came to FL then they had two weddings to attend- one in NY, one in GA. After the whirlwind tour...the ended up back in DC where they met up with friends for dinner and  a Nationals game on Friday and joined the family for the graduation celebration on Saturday.
 The other  was Tracy's 50th birthday (Paul's girlfriend).

We planned to surprise her on Friday night. Everyone knew we were planning to all have dinner together...they just didn't know it was going to also be a surprise birthday celebration for Tracy. Liz got a big cake...naturally :๐Ÿ˜Š and some balloons. We really did surprise her.... when they got to the house and saw all the decorations saying 50!

 That was fun...she really appreciated it.After dinner and  a few drinks we were dancing the night away and enjoying catching up with everyone.

Saturday was the big celebration. Elizabeth was staying at the house, so she was up early getting the decorations in order. we were staying close by ....close enough for me to walk over and give her a hand while some of the others went golfing. I think we were making Rob a little nervous...but he held up well and he was pleased to think that this was all for Shane and him. He might have been nervous about all the decorations we were hanging...hahaha. We had balloons, garlands, lights, signs, pictures. We assured him not to worry.... we would be taking it all down again the following day.
.We got the decorations up. The drinks were on ice and everything was ready to go. The caterers were due to come about an hour before the 3pm start time. Once we finished decorating...I headed back to the hotel to get ready for the party. Some people were staying at the house, John& I, Martha & Tony, Ian & Tara were nearby at the Lansdowne Inn and the rest of the gang was at the Convention Center. We were one mile or so in one direction...the other half was about a mile in the other direction...with the house in the center. It was great. we lucked out and had sunny skies and no rain. Each day the temperature got a little higher...but it wasn't too bad the day of the party. Right around 3pm the guests began arriving. Family, friends, neighbors and a group of Elizabeth's friends from Virginia Beach. Whenever Rob and Shane are down visiting Liz and Jon...they get together with that group of friends, so it was nice that they were able to make it up to northern Virginia for the party.

cousins and more
this isn't exactly how you play the game...but who cares ๐Ÿ˜‰ need some marble columns

we had fun with the big Shane heads
every๐Ÿ˜one is singing along
Ice, Ice Baby

Bridget and Ellen have some moves

Tracy,Anna,Meredith,Anne,Ellen and Martha (Walter in background)

Tracy,Anna,Meredith & Denise as SHANE
 We had a great time dancing in the basement and singing along with our favorite songs. I had put some songs together and asked Brenna, Meredith and Anna, and Ellen for suggestions. Brenna and Ellen  gave me a few right away.. Didn't hear anything from Meredith and Anna at first. Anna called just over a week or two before the party with 200 songs! hahahah I couldn't add them all...but managed to download a few to the list. Ellen, Anna and I actually all had the some of the  same "must have" songs on our list, so that made things a little easier. Rob also has an old stereo we could only play what I had put onto cd's. BUT the good news is...there were plenty of good songs to keep us all happy. It was great seeing old friends and celebrating with the family. We also go to see Marcus's Mom and Dad and his sister Catie...who all made the trip to town to see Megan and Marcus and join the party. John and Christine B stopped by and of course Elizabeth's gang from Virginia Beach. The "Shadow Warrior Lounge" had a crowd all night...hahaha and as Rob said "I think we hit a home run!"

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