Tuesday, May 16, 2017

And The winner Was.....

Not my horse! Oh well! We had fun anyway. Actually I didn't know a thing about any of the horses...absolutely nothing, so I didn't really care. My horse did come in third place...had I made an actual bet, I would have won a few dollars....but I got nothing. well...I did get a new hat out of the day. Some friends were having a Kentucky Derby

  party at the local hangout, and we were invited. They were all wearing their Derby Day gear...and I wasn't sure what I was going to wear...since Brenna has the hats around here. However, we went down to Melbourne Beach Founder's Day celebration earlier in the day

and there just happened to be a lady selling hats! And we found one that matched my dress and fit my (little) head.

So that was nice. We didn't hang around too long in MB.We just walked out on the newly reopened pier.It had been damaged in the hurricane last summer, and just re-opened....and then we did a loop around the park so see who was around. The whole town usually is there at some point or another....we saw a few friends, but the party crowd wasn't there yet...hahaha. Meanwhile back at LD's the whole usual crew was there. We had some fresh fish that the guys fried up for everyone and other assorted snacks. One guy bought a couple of "sqaures" in the pool and then gave them to the girls who were working. Our waitress took hers and then her horse WON! She was happy and then said"Do I win anything?" not realizing that the winning ticket was worth $$$!
 When she found out she won money she was really happy! That was fun! That was almost a good as winning myself.
Now speaking of winners...I DID win something else recently. The Melbourne Area Panhellenic group was selling raffle tickets for a fundraiser. The prize was a cruise for two from Port Canaveral and Brenna was selling tickets, so we bought a couple. One for John, one for Me. And I won! he poor lady called Brenna first to tell her she had sold the winning ticket...and the winner was her mother (me)! Brenna was on a last minute trip to Rochester, NY and had left at 6am. She had just gotten back to her hotel and saw a face time call coming through. She thought her friend's young  son was calling her by mistake, so she called back to check. They told her about the winning ticket and she tried to muster some enthusiasm...hahaha. Meanwhile they had sent me an email...that I didn't read for two days. Oh dear..hardly the response they had hoped for I'm sure. It was exciting to win the cruise (or money towards a cruise) and two bottles of champagne in cute decorated bottle holders. 

The prize is valued at $750.00 plus the champagne...so that's not too shabby. :)

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