Wednesday, February 15, 2017

It was "Super"

Super Bowl Sunday is kind of fun when you really don't care who wins. My team was out after the Patriots beat them in the Play-offs. The Dolphins were out the week before one really cared who won the Falcons-Patriots match up. (Although....most Dolphin  fans  I knew were hoping for a Patriot loss). 
It was still the last game of the season, so it deserved a proper celebration..hahahah. We all decided we should meet up at our local spot- LongDoggers. Al agreed and and said he would try to reserve a section for all of the "locals". He let us basically take over one whole area of the inside. There were a few other people who came and went and I think they were mostly amused by the goings-on...hahaha  Superbowl Sunday is usually a quiet day at LD anyway...most people are busy with their own parties. There might be lots of take-out orders, but in general it's a slow other words...perfect for us!
Al had planned to make up a few "special" dishes for everyone. Another girl and I both made cookies for everyone and someone brought fresh fish to cook up. The week before John and I won a Super Bowl Platter in a drawing...which we also donated to the 'cause".
It really was fun gathering with the whole gang. There was a pool or two going (of course)  When the game started..Al dimmed the lights and most of us sang along with the National Anthem...then cheered and clapped. Everyone cheered again when former President George Bush tossed the coin to start the game. Then the eating and drinking began. We had fun watching the game, visiting with everyone and of course watching the commercials and deciding which ones we thought were the winners.
Al had several prizes to give passes, gift cards for LD, t-shirts, hats, etc.

 It wouldn't be a party without Al taking the mike at some point and making a speech...and he did not disappoint ahaha
He thanked everyone for coming out and watching the game at his restaurant...knowing there were lots of other options. He was genuinly appreciative to have so many friends and loyal customers (25-30 of us) there to share in the fun. He thanked us...we thanked him and everyone cheered.

During the halftime show...he dimmed the lights and we all enjoyed Lady Gaga's performance. Some people were waving their phone around and just having fun being kind of ridiculous.

 It was like being on an episode of "CHEERS"...especially when the local UPS guy we all know walked in and half the group called out "DAVE!" (think Norm!)
we were cheering for Julio!

It was a goofy, fun night...we all ate plenty and most of us won something. I got a hat! in the third quarter. I was hoping the Falcons might pull it off...but have to give The Patriots credit for the amazing comeback and making it a thrilling game. We didn't win any money in the pool, our preferred team didn't win...but we sure had a good time! Small town can't beat it!
I wasn't by myself all night...hahah Brenna, Josh and David were sitting at our table

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