Wednesday, August 31, 2016

taking the scenic route

When we flew up to New York in July, we had to drive from Syracuse down to Cortland. There was a particular restaraunt I wanted to go back to (went there back in 2006 or 2007 with Ellen and Martha) and we had a little time to for maybe the first time ever....John agreed to take the scenic route! he must be getting old...hahaha
We got into to NY late at night, so we found a room right near the airport.  We set out for Cortland the next morning. It was a beautiful day and we lucked out because we did not encounter any rush hour traffic.
One thing I enjoy about driving in upstate New York is the fact that you can drive for miles and not pass any strip malls or outlet malls, etc. They route we took was mostly rolling hills and farmland. Perfect for an early summer drive....even John enjoyed it. Unlike driving on I-10 (when we go to Alabama) ...booooring or I-95 or 75 which can be like the Indy 500 at times....this was just a nice relaxing drive through the countryside.

We stopped to check out one of the Finger Lakes...

We didn't see any sea/lake monsters.....
After walking around the park for a few minutes we headed back down the road to the Pumpkin Hill Bistro.
When Ellen took Martha and I there several summers ago...we enjoyed a delicious afternoon snack and a drink. We sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air   and I had wanted to go back ever since. I've been up to NY a few times since that first trip, but we never had time. This trip we made sure to make the time...and it was worth the wait.

We were the first ones we had the place to ourselves for a bit. I had a delicious salad and some soup. John had a burger and fries....both were really good. We enjoyed it all. We noticed this sign and asked where the path went. If you follow it far enough you will be down at the lakefront. We didn't get to the lake, but we did take a nice little walk through the meadow and listened to all the birds and enjoyed the wildflowers. (Didn't come across anyone playing music up in the trees....hahahaha)
It was a pleasant stop on a beautiful day. After our walk we hopped back in the car and we were off to Cortland for the celebration. (see previous post :)  ) Can't wait till my next visit!...I'll definitely try to get back there.

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