Saturday, June 4, 2016

Founder's Day (has come and gone)

The beginning of May always means that Melbourne Beach Founder's Day 
is about to happen. Although for our friend Heather it signals her birthday...conveniently celebrated with everyone in town at FD. Haha

There is always a small Arts and Craft Show. The locals come out with their "beachy" themed wares....cute signs, stained glass, art work, etc. A friend of ours makes shell frames, mirrors, crosses,etc. nothing too tacky...she is a designer There always seems to be a nice variety of things.
I bought a beautiful plant...that I am trying hard not to kill....

 Had to laugh when a friend from the library told me about her friend who sells jewelry every year. Beacuse it's so close to Mother's Day she usually does very well....especially after the Street Party! hahaha People have usually been drinking beer and wine during the afternoon/evening...when the street party ends...some of them (especially the men...hahha) realize they still don't have a gift for Mother's Day and there she is right near by with her jewelry. Most of the craft booths shut down at 6pm...she purposely waits until the end of the night...she makes more money in that last hour than she does all day ! hahaha
Beer tent...always draws a crowd hahaha

time for a snack...the grilled fresh corn was tempting...but burger won out
Brenna and Josh and the EV Drivers club had a tent ( at my suggestion I might add ๐Ÿ˜„)

 at the celebration and about 10-12 (if I remember correctly) different electric cars on display. They enjoy talking to people and answering questions and educating them on the benefits of going electric. They attracted a lot of attention...(.especially the red Tesla)
 and answered a lot of good questions. I have no doubt that several of those who stopped by were persuaded to go ahead with their decision to buy the electric car they had been considering.

Activities included a fishing contest off the pier, a surf contest down at the beach park, assorted live music and some kids events. Bounce Houses and the playground are always full of kids having fun. There was a most beautiful baby๐Ÿ‘ผ contest....we were skeptical...hahah good way to make the moms who didn't win mad...hahah but I was told you just put the babies name in  the "hat" and a winner would be randomly picked. We missed the kid's Talent Show sort of on purpose...hahahaha

There was also a Hat contest...since it coincided with the Kentucky Derby ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡this year. Brenna added a few touches to a hat she's had for years....and won 1st place ๐Ÿ‘We got a good laugh about that.....competition wasn't too stiff... not that the hat didn't look did .

 We were near the stage area and a teen aged boy came over and tapped her on the shoulder and told her she ought to stop by the booth...because "she might've won" . (I'm guessing he was earning volunteer hours for school ๐Ÿ˜„). We thought he was going to joke with her and ask if he could borrow the hat...hahaha...but he told us he was one of the judges and in fact she had won.

It was kind of cute. She went..... collected her ribbon and got her picture taken for posterity. It was fun.

So basically it was a day of good hometown fun and a chance to sit and watch all the locals enjoying themselves.
Lots of refreshments near by

 Ran into friends and patrons from the library. It's funny to see them trying to figure how they know me...then it "clicks"...oh the Library Lady...hahah
The weather was perfect...and it was a fun gotta love those hometown festivals!

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