Thursday, February 4, 2016

Friends and Costumes

I told you that the whole costume aspect of the party was met with mixed reactions. It made some people nervous; but not us! hahah I knew some people wouldn't get into it, but I was curious to see what ideas everyone would come up with. In the end I was (actually, I think everyone was) impressed with the amount of participation and the variety. The costumes certainly were a good ice-breaker and they kept everyone laughing and smiling all night....just like a good costume party should. The people at Party City were probably wondering what was going on...hahaha I bet they were wondering where the party was...hahah I know I would have been.
Any's some fun pictures of the various costumes. Facebook did a Friends movie today for Friend's's MY "friends" review. They're in numerical order on my this is kind of how the night progressed.
It's fitting that some of the first people to arrive were family members and old Art and Gayle. John went to first grade with Art!
It was also funny when it took a few minutes to figure out exactly who was who...Al above looked a little different with his "sideburns and mustache". When Megan came home after Brenna teased up her hair...John didn't even recognize her for a minute. hahah That's okay...Megan didn't know who I was either...hahaha
When the invitations went out...I had a start time of hopes that people would get there by 8:30pm. Honestly most nights I'm falling asleep by 8:30pm...and I was afraid if the party didn't get going early enough...we might all be slowing down when we needed to be amping up. Fortunately...for probably the first time ever....people actually started arriving early! (we did tell some people to come at 7pm...but it surprised me that they actually did come then.) I can't lie...hahaha many times when we had parties in the past, I have been known to stand by the front window watching for the first car to arrive.

  Band t-shirts included The Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Allman Brothers
                                    There were lots of glasses... and some rose colored lenses.
Some wigs made people look completely different...or years Nancy here, who looked just like she did in HS in her wig.
                      We had NASA engineers and Astronaut wives and Audrey Hepburn styles.
I remember people thinking I was a little crazy because I wanted to come home from  Gainesville for "The Mardi Gras Ball" a crazy costume party /dance that the church put on every year as a fundsraiser. (Comments like "Let me get this need to get home for a party your parents (and their church)are having???)
 It was a party that my parents and all their friends helped plan, organized and went to...and they had a blast every time. Once we were old enough to go...we had fun too. Watching them, etc. Well...that's kind of how our kids feel. Their friends were curious the first time we had a costume party and they came to it...but now they know it's going to be a good time!
Jon (on the left)...along with my sister and my niece walked through the lobby of the hotel in this get-up. hahaha
                 beards and sunglasses and big hair make it hard to tell who's who...hahah
                                           At 8:15 the party was already hopping!
someone asked Elizabeth if that was her real hair...hahaha
   These were blue tinted glasses.....but he couldn't see...hahah so we popped out the lenses.

as I said...the video FB made for me wasn't even's what my "Friends" video might include...:) :) :)

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